Propecia and Aging


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Those of you who have been taking Propecia / Finasteride for 5+ years, have you noticed a slowing-down of the aging process in general (excluding the effect on your hair itself)? If you compare yourselves to friends your own age, do you look younger than them (again, discounting 'hair difference')?

I'm thinking of things like skin quality etc etc. You know how men in their early 30:s normally lose their boyish looks. Has this been delayed for you?

I'm only asking because I look a lot younger than my actual age, and I've been on finasteride for 6 years. Probably a coincidence, just wanted to check if it's a general thing amongst long-time users :dunno:

If you have not noticed such an effect, also please let me know, so that I can ditch this far-fetched idea :whistle:


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it's probably true for some users.

it didn't work for me (in terms of hair), i think i had reflex hyperandthingy and i believed it accelerated the aging process in me.


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Focus said:
Those of you who have been taking Propecia / Finasteride for 5+ years, have you noticed a slowing-down of the aging process in general (excluding the effect on your hair itself)? If you compare yourselves to friends your own age, do you look younger than them (again, discounting 'hair difference')?

I'm thinking of things like skin quality etc etc. You know how men in their early 30:s normally lose their boyish looks. Has this been delayed for you?

I'm only asking because I look a lot younger than my actual age, and I've been on finasteride for 6 years. Probably a coincidence, just wanted to check if it's a general thing amongst long-time users :dunno:

If you have not noticed such an effect, also please let me know, so that I can ditch this far-fetched idea :whistle:

Interesting... after four years on finasteride, i'm thinking the same thing! :)


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sorry guys but i dont think like that. i have used finasteride past years and quit the drug some reason;
propecia finasteride is permanent change in your skin .blocking dht for a long time may damage your total hormonal health. some of them are very frightened me; a huge list on the web you can google it &find them. a few reason for me to quit this drugs, like
facial tenderness and swelling cause of very high levels of cortisol.(that named moonface)
some eye&skin problems because of lowering the dht from skin(Meibomian Disease)
black holes around eyes, search for it if you use this drug u can can easily noticable in white men.
skin rash (finasteride is a steroid variant and steroids plays hard.)

very dry condition makes skin old quicker than oily .

and also increasing the liver enzymes and changing hormonal levels with a random poped up drug makes your body overworked. you feeled overstressed short breath ,feel shocked because of high levels of cortisol.


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An anecdotal from myself; I look younger than my years, and it seems to be related to the skins tone(? correct term? I'm not an expert on skin :laugh:)
I also haven't grown any extra facial hair since, well, I started on finasteride.
I'm 23 and have facial hair on my neck but not on my face itself.

I'd be willing to say finasteride could create the illusion of a younger face in people in their 20's/early 30's. I wouldn't think it would do the same in older guys - perhaps the opposite?

_on_a_plain_ your sides seem to me to match up more with Minoxidil. Have you ever met Timi ?