Propecia and face breaking out....


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I know this has been done before and I did search but really didn't fined what I was looking for.

I starting to take more finasteride than usual ( only .25 more a day ) and all of a sudden my face has broken out real badly. Tons of acne in one spot and some of them are some pretty big zits. Anybody have any suggestions on how to combat this. My face looks like a 16 year old high school boy. I used to get zits here and ther but not like this. There basically turning into big craters and when they pop they look like scars not zits. Any info is appreciated


Established Member
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md2002 said:
I know this has been done before and I did search but really didn't fined what I was looking for.

I starting to take more finasteride than usual ( only .25 more a day ) and all of a sudden my face has broken out real badly. Tons of acne in one spot and some of them are some pretty big zits. Anybody have any suggestions on how to combat this. My face looks like a 16 year old high school boy. I used to get zits here and ther but not like this. There basically turning into big craters and when they pop they look like scars not zits. Any info is appreciated


Well not tonees - but more than usual(which is zero). Probably have about 5 pimples. See "Lopfraze's Story" for more info.

My zits aren't like craters, but when they pop, they do look more like scars than zits. THey are fading, but - I don't like zits!!!

Any info on this one would be appreciated. And noone, that link was pretty meaningless and too long for it to be any kind of focused answer.