
Propecia and Gyno


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So I've been dealing with my gyno while on propecia and tried stopping propecia for a couple weeks.. my chest became less inflamed but my hair started shedding like crazy so i started propecia again.

I have been taking 12.5mg aromasin with my propecia everyday which kind of supresses the tenderness etc but its not really helping reduce the gyno

I wanted advice on the best way to reduce/elimiate the gyno I have been reading a lot of threads and wanted to get some more opinions before i order. . .

heres the reigmens:

Raloxifene 120/90/60/30
Letrozole 2.5mg for a few weeks then taper down the dosage every 3 days to avoid rebound
Lastly after Aromasin 12.5mg ED or EOD for a couple weeks to ensure no estrogen rebound


Day 1: .50mg Letro
Day 2: 1.0mg Letro
Day 3: 1.5mg Letro
Day 4: 2.0mg Letro
Day 5: 2.5mg Letro **

**You will remain at this dose until gyno symptoms subside. Once you believe your gyno is gone it is important to stay at this dose for another 4-7 days to ensure all traces are gone. I recommend people with a bf% over 15 stay on for a week as it may be harder to judge completely whether the lump is completely gone. Once this period is over it will be important to taper letro down slowly rather than coming off it completely. Regardless of which manner you tapered up your dose you will all taper down in the same fashion.

Please let me know what you think.


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its not terrible, its mild gyno that i feel anti-estrogen's could eliminate. I rather try this then turn to surgery if need be. I am having trouble finding a reputable site, any info would be appreciated. I ordered aromasin a while ago but i cant remember the site i used :/

Quantum Cat

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if you're genuinely developing gyno, (rather than just scaring yourself witless by reading stories on the net) then you should stop taking Propecia and see a doctor. Don't start self-medicating with other drugs when you don't really know what you're doing - that's the worst thing you could do.


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I had imaging done and there is adipose deposition, its not glandular.

I've heard of many doctors putting their pt's on anti-e's to counteract the side-effects. Getting off propecia is easier said than done. I know a thing or two about medicine, I'm not a total idiot Lol.

From what I've learned in school and research, In order to try to reduce whatever gyno exists, there are SERM's and AI's. A SERM such as raloxofine will destroy estrogen in the body(specifically targeting breast tissue) but you cannot take ample amounts due to its ability to cause joint problems etc. Considering a SERM is an older medication and has different properties there is a possibility you can get a rebound effect from discontinuing the drug thus during your taper down from raloxifene you should begin an AI which will block estrogen receptors permanently. None of this is a long term solution, so by trying this I really don't see any harm.

This may sound odd.. but in all reality.. loosing my hair without trying all ways to reduce gyno/fat deposition in my chest is not feasible for me. Knowing that if i stop propecia my chest reduces in size (tried it twice) is comforting enough for me to experiment a little. I'm not one to "self medicate" but i have no other choice.. going to an endocrinologist is a waste of $50, and i dont feel like dealing with them.


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You should check your data on the difference between SERMs and AIs. SERMs are Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators which will impact the estrogen receptors in different tissues as either an agonist or an antagonist. An AI, or aromatase inhibitor, actually binds to the aromatase enzyme preventing the conversion of testosterone into estrogen.

- - - Updated - - -

Try to find a doctor who treats bodybuilders.

Quantum Cat

Senior Member
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but adipose is fat, so it's psuedogynecomastia rather than real gyno. hormone imbalances tend to cause real gyno, rather than pseudo - so why would altering your hormones help?

I would still recommend consulting with a doctor but it's up to you

also if it's fat can't you burn it off by losing weight?


Experienced Member
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I had imaging done and there is adipose deposition, its not glandular.

I've heard of many doctors putting their pt's on anti-e's to counteract the side-effects. Getting off propecia is easier said than done. I know a thing or two about medicine, I'm not a total idiot Lol.

From what I've learned in school and research, In order to try to reduce whatever gyno exists, there are SERM's and AI's. A SERM such as raloxofine will destroy estrogen in the body(specifically targeting breast tissue) but you cannot take ample amounts due to its ability to cause joint problems etc. Considering a SERM is an older medication and has different properties there is a possibility you can get a rebound effect from discontinuing the drug thus during your taper down from raloxifene you should begin an AI which will block estrogen receptors permanently. None of this is a long term solution, so by trying this I really don't see any harm.

This may sound odd.. but in all reality.. loosing my hair without trying all ways to reduce gyno/fat deposition in my chest is not feasible for me. Knowing that if i stop propecia my chest reduces in size (tried it twice) is comforting enough for me to experiment a little. I'm not one to "self medicate" but i have no other choice.. going to an endocrinologist is a waste of $50, and i dont feel like dealing with them.

You should see a doctor about it. If it bothers you enough you get it removed and chest rescupted with ultrasound lipo. If its real glandular they have treatements: radiation, subcutaneous masectomy, or medication. And which medication to use depends on the hormones. Gyno can be caused by hormone perturbations other than estrogen. Progesterone and prolactin also play into it. Using SERM and AIS youd want to moniter blood levels of thyroid cholesterol etc. Antiestrogens have their own sides bro.

what makes you think its not long term? as long as you use the offending agent which gave you gyno you would have to use your antiestrogens which is presumably indefinitey; Dont be under any illusions in this area.


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Does anyone know what percentage of finasteride users get gyno? Is it more than Merck lets on?