Propecia and Impotence - my story


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What's up everyone....

Just turned 20, I'm a diffuse thinner, blah blah blah...

Anyways, after doing my research on here, I decided to take Finasteride (accompanied with Nizoral and Revivogen)

I've been on propecia for about a month a half, and tonight I realized it was time to stop.

My girl was over my house, and for the past couple of weeks, I could barely get fckin hard, my erections wouldn't last, you name it. As most of you know, when you don't get a full erection, it makes your penis feel freakin small, so it sucked....

I don't know about you guys, but it's the worst feeling when you can't please your girl. Fck the hairloss man, I'm not willing to jeopardize my sex life for it.

The reason for my post, is I just want to tell you guys, don't be afraid to take Propecia/Finasteride, but if you do experience side effects within the first two months, please please stop. There are other solutions out there, topical stuff such as Revivogen and Rogaine for example.

I didn't notice any side effects until month 2, so just because you've been on finasteride for 1 month, don't think you're out of the water yet, be careful!

I'm going to stop starting tomorrow, and I will let you guys know if I recover 100%.

At this point, feeling impotent is a way worse than I've ever felt about going bald.

Please no hate on this thread, I just want to share my story, a real story, of a 20 year old male. I hope others can relate to my story, I'm a normal dude just like you.

One last thing, everyone that keeps going on an on about it only affects 2% blah blah blah, fck that, you're only saying that because it didn't affect you, but if this drug does affect you with the sexual side effects, STAY AWAY, definitely not worth it.

Hope this helped someone...I'll be back in a couple of weeks to report my recovery. Peace


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BAD effin' advice! I'd never let a few nights of sex get in the way of having hair. A few more days and the side effects would have probablly gone away, ahh whatever..


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very bad advice wangho75...jump on some L-arginine and keep your hair and girl happy


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wow, I'm glad I havent had any sides.

think it's possible that it could just be in your head?

go watch some p**rn with your girl and see if you can't ge a full erection.


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Snipes said:
very bad advice wangho75...jump on some L-arginine and keep your hair and girl happy

If your relationship with a chick hinges on a few bad nights of sex, it prolly aint worth it! My advice rocks..


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no, this is all bad advice. Why not let the individual decide what the best route is for themselves. Obviously some people would make the trade off between sex and hair, some people's sides go away, some people cant see any improvement and have continuing sides so see no point in finasteride any more...this is a situation where the person has to figure it out for themselves


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the exact same thing happend to me, i believe this guy. ive been off finasteride for a few weeks everything is normal again. i love my boner :(

im gona try finasteride again at .5mg a day :)


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To me, the commitment to start finasteride pressuposes the willingness to ride out sides during the 3 month period of adjustment. If you are willing to give up on the first short term side or the first shed don't even bother with treatments.

I can fully understand the original poster though. After all it comes down to personal choice.


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SE-freak said:

To me, the commitment to start finasteride pressuposes the willingness to ride out sides during the 3 month period of adjustment. If you are willing to give up on the first short term side or the first shed don't even bother with treatments.

I can fully understand the original poster though. After all it comes down to personal choice.

Who says these side effects only occur during the first three months? Many people have reported side effects occuring after more than a year of propecia use. Just because you have not had side effects during your initial year of propecia use does not mean that side effects will not occur.


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viperfish said:
Who says these side effects only occur during the first three months? Many people have reported side effects occuring after more than a year of propecia use. Just because you have not had side effects during your initial year of propecia use does not mean that side effects will not occur.

Viper, chill out man. Never said that. I do not "preach" propecia here.

I am just saying that you should(or could as it is highly personal choice) give your body some time to adjust to the change.


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I empathise with the original poster and also agree with SE-Freak.

I was one of the few that DID experience sides at first – although rather than being unable to sustain a rager , my problem was a distinct lack of libido. I was 25 at the time and was keeping the whole hair loss thing from my long-term girlfriend. It suffices to say that the whole thing sucked @rse big time. However, a few months after that everything clicked right back into place. I’m now 28 and wake up with that morning glory EVERY morning and have recently started seeing a new chick – 3 times in a row on Fri night and 4 times on Sat night (well… one early morning actually)!!

My advice to Illmatic would be to try and ride it out – after all – you’re only 2 months in. Also just chill out… relax… you’d be surprised at how much of the problem is in your mind. Even in the 2% (or if you believe it’s 10%) of people that experience sides, 95% or so of them saw the sides disappear within a matter of months. Then there’s also the possibility of lowering your dosages, to as little as 0.25mg per day if needs be, experiment a little – in the meantime I’m sure your gal will understand.

Anyhoo – dude, if you do decide to go off the finasteride, then PLEASE don’t give up altogether. Keep up with the Revivogen and add in spironolactone. Perhaps get a lasercomb or add in minoxidil down the track if you need to. You owe it to yourself to hang onto that hair!!

Good luck



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Hey everyone, thanks for all the replies.

wang, I dunno dude, I've heard of people who say these sides go away, ride it out, and don't worry too much about it, but then there's others who say the side effects are still happening and they don't go away.

What you gotta understand is that everyone's body reacts differently to a certain drug, because someone was able to ride out the side effect, does not mean the same can be attained by someone else.

I hated the fact that my body was acting like a 60+ when I'm only 20. I've read other threads like mine and it scared me a little, but at the time, I wasn't affected by the sides, but now I am, so my mentality totally changed.

Jeffsss, it's not in my head, it's happening brotha. I could just watch p**rn whenever we wanna have sex, but come on, that is not something I want to make a habit of.

Wang, my relationship with my girl hasn't changed dude, I've been with her for 3 years, I was her first everything, so it's not like that, but I just don't feel right if this is what it's going to be doing to me. Last night, after like a couple minutes, the feeling of saying "babe fck it, i'm just going to stop and finger you instead" is pretty pathetic. Not everyone is the same, so others may be fine with it.

I feel dek nailed it exactly, and that's how I feel, I'm just so confused right now on whether I should continue. I've come to realized that the FDA can approve a drug, but that doesn't mean they care for our best interest. They could care less how the drug affects us, I know how the drug affects me, so I'm the only person that can decide if I want to keep taking it.

SE-Freak brings up a good point, but then viperfish really touched on how I felt, no telling when these sides can happen to you, everyone's body is different man.

And lastly, Def, I hear you about riding it out, but I'm worried my body is going to become to attached to this drug, and then it will be too late too stop, losing your sex life is serious, definitely not something I want to jeopardize.

My friends and girls think I'm nuts for taking propecia because they don't believe my hair is bad at all, but of course we all are self-conscious about our hair, and the whole thing about Propecia is keeping your hair BEFORE you end up losing it.

Anyways, thanks again for the replies, think I touched on everyone's post, take it easy.....


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SE-freak said:
viperfish said:
Who says these side effects only occur during the first three months? Many people have reported side effects occuring after more than a year of propecia use. Just because you have not had side effects during your initial year of propecia use does not mean that side effects will not occur.

Viper, chill out man. Never said that. I do not "preach" propecia here.

I am just saying that you should(or could as it is highly personal choice) give your body some time to adjust to the change.

Ok I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound pissy. It was my time of the month.


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Alright boys, it's been only a week, and I'm proud to announce....


Life is good once again.



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Don't get me wrong, I feel horrible for having to stop Finasteride, but a man's gotta do, what a man's gotta do..

Maybe in a couple months I can try 0.5mg/day, who knows.

Thanks again for everyone's help.


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illmatic said:
Don't get me wrong, I feel horrible for having to stop Finasteride, but a man's gotta do, what a man's gotta do..

Maybe in a couple months I can try 0.5mg/day, who knows.

Thanks again for everyone's help.

I found after taking a 5 week break from Finasteride, my side effects were far less severe the second time around. Maybe the same thing will happen to you. Good luck.


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One last thing, everyone that keeps going on an on about it only affects 2% blah blah blah, fck that, you're only saying that because it didn't affect you

This figure was arrived at through extensive multi-stage, FDA approved, peer reviewed trials involving many thousands of participants, to claim the percentage that experience side effects as less than the trials revealed would be against the law.

Sure these figures may be out here and there due to errors in the trial process, who knows they may be as low as 1% or as high as 10%, but this is the only way to do business when it comes to this kind of information.

You say these figures are quoted, not because of the extensive work conducted in the trials but because "it didn't affect you", I think the opposite is true, that the reason you doubt these figures is because you unfortunately found yourself in that well researched 2%.

PS, glad to hear your c*** 'n' balls combo is back in action.