Propecia and Minoxidil - Please help!!!!!!


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I need some advise im 23 year old from the UK and have male pattern baldness and its depressing.

-Where can i get cheap propecia from?

-Would anyone recommend Proscar instead of Propecia (If so where can i get it from?)

-I have tried using Kirkland 5% minoxidil but find it too greasy to apply twice a day. Is Regaine less greasy than Generic minoxidil.

-Does anyone know where i can get regaine 5% from(im from the UK)



SSM23 said:
Would anyone recommend Proscar instead of Propecia

Yeah me, I suggest to save money buy proscar, there I have done it i have recommended Proscar instead of Propecia.

Proscar is 5mg finasteride made by Merck
Propecia is 1mg finasteride made by Merck

If you buy proscar don't forget to chop it up into little 1mg pieces.

Try for cheap Proscar

I have tried using Kirkland 5% minoxidil but find it too greasy to apply twice a day. Is Regaine less greasy than Generic minoxidil.

No, not really.

Dr Lee's 5% minoxidil (product 500 on is non-greasy, fast drying (10 minutes) and cheap at $16 (£8.50).

It took 4 days to get to me in London (!!) and each bottle is 65ml instead of the 60ml you get with Regaine.

Once you try it you will not go back to rubbing oily Regaine on your poor head ever again.

Does anyone know where i can get regaine 5% from (im from the UK)

Numerous internet sites.

Just Goggle "Generic minoxidil 5%"