Propecia and my overwhelming sex drive


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Happened to me during the first few weeks.



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from what I've read it is a very common side effect the first couple months of use.
It happened to me to. It was followed by a couple months of lower than normal libido then it came back.


Ever since I took Propecia I was as horny as hell. Then into month 7.5 - 8 it's been up and down like a yo yo. But even if I am a little low my girl only has to do a few things and I 'm back again so it's not problem for me really.

when you get to my age you have the best ever sex you could ever imagine......


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I didn't have it on finasteride but when I switched to Dutas I recieved a major boost in terms of sex drive.

Could this be a sign that the regimen is working?
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what age is that?

I was very concerned about my sex drive on this stuff as I consider myself to have a higher than most of my friends sex drive. Always had. Maybe thats why I am a balding bastard. Then when I started to take this stuff 4 days ago, a friend of mine at the gym tells me im nuts to take it because ill lose my drive.

4 days on this sh*t i feel like a lose cannon in the drive department. So im curious to know if when my sex drive does drop, will it still be strong or gone?



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I did not notice any noticeable change in drive, but the ejaculation does seem much stronger.... if you get what I mean.
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It appears that even though I am extremely horny, it was very hard to orgasm, and when i did it was really watery. ABout scared the wife off. I dont think propecia is right for me. ANyone know where i can sell 5 unopened bottles?



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mine is watery too. But long term users report an eventual return to normality. I'm not too concenrned as long as fertility is not affected. In fact, it has got nothing to do with sperm count. There are people who swear that L-arginine helps alleviate the side effects.


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brasileirao said:
Happened to me during the first few weeks.


Thats a possible placebo style side effect. Think about it your depressed and sad because you have male pattern baldness, but once your on finasteride you think your on the road to recovery. All of a sudden stress and depression(well known and medically proven things that cause lack of sex drive)is gone so your sex drive is up...
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gang, this may be a weird question but ive got 5 unopened bottles of propecia - is there anywhere on this site I can make mention that i have this up for grabs?


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How much are you looking to get for them?
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a fair offer i guess. By the way i tried that stuff for a week and i stopped taking it 5 days ago and im still blasting like a water gun.


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brucergoldberg said:
gang, this may be a weird question but ive got 5 unopened bottles of propecia - is there anywhere on this site I can make mention that i have this up for grabs?

in a bottle? what country are you from and where did you buy it?
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im in dallas, texas and I pre purchased 6 bottles with my hair transplant as part of my deal.

these are still sealed bottles.


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Re: Propecia and my sex drive - Strong Language Warning

brucergoldberg said:
Has anyone heard of propecia increasing sex drive?

Has it happened to anyone?


Hello All,

Proscar grew an abundance of new hair on my head, reduced the hair that was growing on my back but utterly destroyed my sex life. Decimated it. Really. It was not worth the new growth.

In the beginning sex drive was increased slightly but after 7 months or so, hair starting blooming and erections were fading. My sex drive was zilch and the quantity of my ejacuate was next to nothing.

When I even cared about having sex, erections were not as hard as they used to be.

Forget about waking up with a hardon. Didn't happen for over a year.

I was taking proscar for over two years.

My hair looked great but the last thing on my mind was sex. Period. I chalked it up to getting older. I was wrong.

Six months later I'm off the pills and I'm back to my old horny self. Ejaculate has greatly increased and is back to being geyser-like, like it used to be...Hair is starting to shed....

Morning boners are back!

I read articles about "slightly diminished sex drive" before starting proscar and I thought it was worth a try. Not for me.

Maybe I'm the oddball, it was great while it was growing, but I like f*****g too much to go back to proscar.

Any other treatments that are working out there?



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I have always had a normal or slightly sub-normal libido, getting an erection once or twice randomly during the day and almost always when waking up. Since on finasteride for about 2.5 months, I can't remember the last time I did wake up with one. When I want to I can achieve an erection but it usually never happens by itself. Is this considered "decreased libido" and something I should be concerned about? It was really bad when I started finasteride and then leveled back out and maybe even went up a bit. On a side note, when I started finasteride I got some bad acne around the same time as the drop in libido. In the past few days I have gotten some more acne and have experienced another drop in libido. It might all be in my head. Sound familiar to anyone else?