Propecia and no side-effects

Hair today...

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I've been using propecia for a week now and haven't experienced any side effects at all. Strangely my sex drive/libido has actually increased over the past few days and yet the opposite is supposed to happen.

Now this might seem daft, but my concern is if you experience no adverse effects from the drug whatsoever does this indicate that the medication has no effect on your particular chemical makeup? Are at least some mild sides somewhat reassuring in showing that the drug is working/isn't a dud batch?

Maybe I'm jumping the gun and sides won't become apparent for a while yet or is it usual for people to experience none at all? Anyone out there taken propecia and not experienced any discomfort in any way?

I dunno, it could just be the notion of 'no pain, no gain' that's prompted this post but I'm interested all the same.


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From what i've gathered from other posts, an initial increase in libido is not uncommon and does not indicate that the finasteride is not working.

Give it some time, your body just needs to adjust. I'm sure things will even out.


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No. The sides=results equation is false.

You are doing fine. Slight libido issues(even higher libido) are to be expected until your body reaches an equilibrium.

Hair today...

New Member
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Good to hear, guys. The thing about your body readjusting over the first weeks is something I've looked up. So I suppose I can expect my increased libido to "quieten done" in a few weeks?

Along with the variation in the level/number of sides different people experience while on the drug does the time period before results from the treatment also vary from person to person?


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The increased libido(which I experienced too- and imagine that I am a horny monster at default, no kidding) can be just a state of mind:

When you know you are doing something about your hairloss, you jump out of desperation and start enjoying things more.