
Propecia and Prostatitis?


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Hi guys,

Well I am in a bit of a bad place at the moment and really was looking for some advice / feedback and some help.

I took Propecia (Finasteride) for male pattern baldness from January 2010 until April 2013, so just over three years. I was taking 1mg per day, as prescribed by a hair loss clinic in London. At the time I started taking the Propecia, I was 28 years old.

The first week I began taking the tablets, I noticed that I had clumps in my semen (it was almost like grains of rice that was mixed in with the “normal†semen). The grains were like jelly. I did a lot of online research and found that this can be quite normal, but to me there were no doubts that the tablets had caused this since I had never had it before in 28 years and it started within a week of taking them.

Aside from that, I was not too aware of any other side effects from the tablets. I did get abdominal pain from every time to time but did not associate it with the Propecia (and am still not sure if it is even linked).
My hair grew back very thick, I was extremely happy with the hair results.

However, I began dating a new girlfriend, and then got engaged, and I had noticed by now (February 2013 time) a decrease in my libido. I was not having any difficulty in getting an erection, but my sex drive and desire for sex was far less than before I had been taking the tablets. However, that said, I was not 18 anymore and was a 30-year-old man! My fiancé was not aware I was taking the Propecia tablets (I didn’t see why I would need to discuss it with her), until I eventually told her in April 2013 as a possible explanation for my decrease in libido. After she did a lot of research online about the tablets, she pleaded with me to stop taking them, which I agreed to. I subsequently did not take a Propecia tablet from around April 2013 until exactly a month ago today (October 2014). During that time, the clumps/gel like semen mixed in with the standard liquid semen had never gone away, so I had this now for over three years. My fiancé noticed it, but was not bothered…. It was more of an embarrassment for me as it does not look normal! I think maybe that played a huge part in putting me off having sex at times! It never hurt or anything like that.

I have been noticing that my hair has been gradually thinning again, which has made me extremely depressed. Last month, I decided to bite the bullet and start taking the Propecia tablets again, without telling my fiancé, which I hate doing as we tell each other everything and I hate keeping anything from her, she’s such a fantastic person. However, I know what her reaction would be. She worries about my health and if she ever got pregnant that it could affect the baby.

For the first three weeks I was fine, no side effects. However, a week ago I started getting pain in my testicles (especially my left one) and it was even going into my pelvis, down my leg and into my buttocks! I also started getting some lower abdominal pain and discomfort, aching and a bloated type feeling. Sometimes, the need to urinate was very urgent and sudden and I would be rushing to the toilet! Occasionally there was a stinging sensation after I urinated, but not during. During this past week-and-a-half since this started, I was also feeling extremely tired, aching everywhere, very light headed almost to the point of feeling dizzy, with what I can only describe as a feeling of “pressure†in my head. I was also getting headaches daily. In short, I wasn’t with it, and a couple of times people at work commented and to “wake up and get with the game!†as they had noticed I was in my own little world. In essence, I was struggling massively to concentrate and had absolutely no energy whatsoever.

A few days ago, I had intercourse with my fiancé (no erection problems) and when I ejaculated, it stung. Not an ache, but a stinging sensation like when you have a urine infection. Again, there were the clumps in the semen, but worse than when I wasn’t taking the Propecia tablets, although they had always remained.

I went to my local GP and I did a urine sample which came back as normal (no urine infection). I explained I had been taking Propecia, and basically everything I have written in this post. She did not seem to know much about Finasteride (Propecia). I left.

An hour later, she called me and said she had spoken to a colleague who believed it sounded very much like prostatitis and asked me to return to get two weeks’ worth of anti-biotics and to provide another urine sample that could be sent away to a lab for analysis. She said, in the meantime, to stop taking the Propecia tablets for a couple of weeks, finish the anti-biotics and see if I feel better. If I do, I could try taking the Propecia again and if I get the side effects again, I will know that it is the tablets.

I just wondered what people’s thoughts were on this and if anyone had similar experiences? It seems very odd because these symptoms I am experiencing now never happened in three years of me taking the tablets before… but it seems a bit of a coincidence? Do you think it is even prostatitis? Can prostatitis make you feel light headed and spaced out and devoid of any energy whatsoever or is that more likely to be the Propecia tablets – or do I have something else going on?!

Any feedback would be much appreciated, my head is all over the place at the moment – don’t seem to be able to win! Could stop taking the Propecia altogether again and watch my hair disappear aged 32, or take it but suffer potential side effects. Stuck between a rock and a hard place!

Thanks everyone.


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I'm not sure about you dude but i got a stinging after masturbating even before taking propecia maybe 1 out of 40-50 id get a hot stinging feeling. I'm not entirely sure this isn't completely normal what you're describing.

Wolf Pack

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During this past week-and-a-half since this started, I was also feeling extremely tired, aching everywhere, very light headed almost to the point of feeling dizzy, with what I can only describe as a feeling of “pressure” in my head. I was also getting headaches daily. In short, I wasn’t with it, and a couple of times people at work commented and to “wake up and get with the game!” as they had noticed I was in my own little world. In essence, I was struggling massively to concentrate and had absolutely no energy whatsoever.

I have exactly this without the aches and been on it just over two weeks. No sexual sides - ball ache is gone. I know it's definitely the Finasteride that did this. May need to stop it for a while myself as I have studies and it's not good staring into space randomly. Glad I read this actually.

Strange for me that there are no sexual sides but more mental.

Sorry I can't help. Maybe try Regaine or think of a hair transplant.

My last pill was on Sunday. Since then the headache has largely gone but still a bit tired and concentration lacking - own world kind of thing. Getting better though.

Just came from the gym to try and energise myself. I have a gut feeling the finasteride is resulting in poor sleep which is why I experience these effects.

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P.S Not Prostatitis. You went to your GP and your urine was normal.


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I don't think that prostatitis would have shown in the urine sample, it was a urine test to look for a water infection

My sleep has actually been awful as well since being back on Propecia

Wolf Pack

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I don't think that prostatitis would have shown in the urine sample, it was a urine test to look for a water infection

My sleep has actually been awful as well since being back on Propecia

And what do you think prostatitis is? It's a type of UTI. The urine dipstick would have said otherwise.

It's definitely the tablet mate, choice is to ride it out or not. I have decided to stop taking it - studies are more important.

I am currently a stable Norwood 2-3 with no shedding or new loss but it's still risky me relying on Minoxidil for maintenance.


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hi sadhatter! i got butning sensation in the urethra after peeing and ejaulation initially. Some abdominal pain maybe. Google 'my finasteride story so far' and read the thread by desmond. You ll get answer for some of your sides there.

- - - Updated - - -

All this is certainly linked to your prostate shrinking cuz of the drug IMO, ask your GP if shrinking prostate can have the mentioned symptoms.


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I can see how lumpy semen may lead to prostatitis. Forgive the over simplification, but if the pipes aren't flowing well like they are suppose to, you can have a backup which can allow bacteria to grow. All your other symptoms can be linked to an infection in your body. I once had a sinus infection after a bout of allergies and I thought I was going to die. When you have an infection, your body prioritizes and you don't feel like yourself.

My suggestion to you is clean up your diet. Eliminate yeast and sugars and start eating foods that sanitize your body like raw garlic, raw red union, mustard with from real seeds, coconut, and so on. Eating fermented food is also important to replaced the good bacteria and keep you digestion in order. With a good diet and foods that are known to boost the bodies immune system, you will be less likely to develop an infection while on finasteride.


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I have very similar happening to me . I started fun 1mg in june 2013 and quit it in april 2014 .
Watery semen turned thick again after a while but for the last couple of months i have been having difficulty emptying my bladder.
for the last few weeks i have been having this burning sensation when urinating and afterwards . Recently i have been waking up in the middle of the night to urinate which is giving me broken sleep.
Had the blood and urine tests , all came back clear as well and doctors seem to be so thick they cant even think of prostatitis :(

Is there a cure for this ?


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Well I stopped taking the Propecia for a few days and have taken 1mg per day again for the last three days and the testicle pain has returned, along with the light headed ness and abdominal pain. My left testicle aches quite a lot and goes into my groin and lower abdomen. I never had these symptoms before in three years of taking Propecia previously. I don't understand it. What should I do?! Anyone have any ideas? If I stop taking the tablets I will more than likely go bald which I can't face but I seem to be struggling at present with the tablets...

Wolf Pack

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Sometimes people have developed side effects a lot AFTER being on Finasteride. Usually happens early on though. I would discontinue it - though again people may say otherwise. Your body is basically saying it doesn't want it yet you persist - it could make things worse. Try Minoxidil.


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If I took a Propecia tablet every other day, I.e. 1mg on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday (skipping Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) would this still be as effective for hair loss as taking it every day (I know that may sound a stupid question!) or would my hair still fall out quickly? Would the side effects be less if not taking every day? I feel completely stuck between a rock and a hard place right now.... Take it and have side effects or don't take it and go bald! I can't win

Wolf Pack

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If I took a Propecia tablet every other day, I.e. 1mg on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday (skipping Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) would this still be as effective for hair loss as taking it every day (I know that may sound a stupid question!) or would my hair still fall out quickly? Would the side effects be less if not taking every day? I feel completely stuck between a rock and a hard place right now.... Take it and have side effects or don't take it and go bald! I can't win

Dude, that's my situation. I don't have side effects as such but I know they could happen and also I did get some tiredness/mental stuff last time I tried. Touchwood it's okay so far.

Yes, it won't be effective as daily - but it may be enough for your hair. I would still expect sides to be there though as DHT inhibition will be similar.