Propecia and shedding


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Hello, first time poster, long time lurker here. I am 25 years old and a NW3. I started losing hair in high school around my senior year. A few years later i got on propecia (1mg). Due to finances I couldn't consistently take my medication. My dermatoligist wasn't comfortable prescribing proscar because the does would be .25 mg higher. I decided to meet with another Doctor and was also turned down.

Almost 3 years later my hairloss was becoming very noticeable. I always wore a hate, and had to shower otherwise my hair was greasy and wispy in the temples. I decided I wanted to give finasteride another shot. I went to see a general doctor and not only got prescribed proscar, but 5mgs daily!!! Obviously I only take a quarter tablet a day, but it is nice to have extra laying around.

So I was worried about the initial shedding phase that I read about prior to starting treatment. Well, it happened. When I would shampoo my hair I would see plenty of hair in my hands. When I would dry my hair I would see hairs falling to the ground. For the first time in my life I wasn't losing hairs in the temple, but all over my head. This scared me, my hair became noticeable thinner when wet and my heart sank.

I have heard that you may experience a med shed in the first 3 months, and that it may be a good sign. I was worried that the shedding would never stop and I would just go completely bald in the matter of months. Anyways I told myself that I have nothing to lose and continued treatment. I have been on 1.25 mgs for the past 2.5 months and am seeing the shed finally stop.

I cut my hair short recently, and it looks much better because I don't have hair partially cover my temples.
In the beginning I was using nizoral, but decided to wait on adding any additional meds until the propecia shedding stopped. I will probably wait until 6 months to add nizoral back. May even add minoxidil at the 1 year mark.

I wanted to post to anyone that was worried about the initial shedding phase, and let you know that it will grow back. I feel much better knowing that the meds are working, and I am doing what I can to fight this. Hope everyone else's regimen is working for them. I will update at month 6 if you guys would like to hear my progress.


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thank you, did you take any pics?
There arent so many pics of propecia only shedding sadly


Established Member
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It might be In my head but I have been on 1mg propecia everyday for the past month and I have noticed some shedding, minor though.


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I have some pics of my hair in general. One was taken at the beginning of treatment, and another currently. I can't figure out how to attach a pic.


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I've been taking 1mg finasteride for almost a month now, and I recently starting shedding like crazy, especially my temples which have got really thin and see through all of a sudden. It's really freaking me out, hope it grows back:unsure:....