Propecia and weight gain


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Hi Guys,

I'm 28 and have been on Propecia for 6 weeks now with some sides. Went totally limp at 10 days, but my libido bounced back a couple weeks later.

Now I've noticed that I've been packing on the pounds like it's going out of style. 13 pounds in just over a month! I haven't made any changes to my lifestyle and my weight has been very stable for the past 7-8 years. Now I've got a ring of belly fat that definitely wasn't there before and my pecs look a little flabby too. I workout 3+ times a week with cardio and I watch what I eat, so this isn't due to laziness. I noticed that I had less energy in the 1st few weeks so I'm guessing that my metabolism has gone down.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is this weight gain temporary? Does your metabolism bounce back as your body adjusts? Please give me some good news!!! I so want this to work.



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Yeah, alot of people (or enough) experience this. I experienced (am experiencing) almost exactly what you went through. I lost my labido right away, now it seems to be back, and i'm also gaining weight. I excercise regularly which helps it. I would recomend cutting down on carbs past 6:00 pm and try and eat lighter. Cardio is what really seems to keep my weight from jumping up, that and eating really shitty foods like tuna fish :x . I have no idea how long these side effects last or if they'll ever stop. Good luck, i'm in a similar boat.


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fallicule said:
Yeah, alot of people (or enough) experience this. I experienced (am experiencing) almost exactly what you went through. I lost my labido right away, now it seems to be back, and i'm also gaining weight. I excercise regularly which helps it. I would recomend cutting down on carbs past 6:00 pm and try and eat lighter. Cardio is what really seems to keep my weight from jumping up, that and eating really shitty foods like tuna fish :x . I have no idea how long these side effects last or if they'll ever stop. Good luck, i'm in a similar boat.

Actually, this eating time of day stuff is a myth (aka don't eat before bed, causes more weight gain is b.s.). Cut the carbs, time of day makes no difference :)


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I put on 15 pounds in 3 month on Propecia. I lift steadily at the gym and have a very solid muscle base. It's the Propecia. Guess you just have to kick up the cardio.


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So has anyone witnessed their metabolism bounce back?

I'm still hoping that this weight gain is just something that happens in the inital stages. I almost had a six pack, and now I'm heading towards a keg!

I tend to eat really well (whole grains, lean meats and lots of fruits and veggies) so it looks like I might have to increase my cardio and try to slow the weightloss. I'm also taking green tea supplements (which is rumored to help the hair, but is really good for you anyways and increases your metabolism) so hopefully that will kick in for the hair and for the gut




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I sure have gained a lot of fat since starting finasteride. My theory is that it is due to the feminizing effects of the drug. Most people here will tell you that weight/fat gain is not a side effect of finasteride at all but that's bullshit. A significant amount of people will gain fat/weight while on finasteride.

Keep in mind that most people WON'T have this problem, though.


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Thanks guys,

Looks like I'll have to increase my cardio and maybe cut down on some carbs and hope my gut and tits stop growing.
