Propecia as a preventatiave measure?


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A friend of mine asked me today if he could take Propecia to head off future hairloss. Now this guy is a perfect Norwood 0 with a perfect hairline and full head of hair.

However, he has a ugly family history of hairloss. Both his brothers are Norwood 4 and 5 at 28 and 29 years old, his dad is slick bald and many of his uncles on both sides of the family are as well. He is 22 now and both of his brothers and his father started to lose their hair at around this time.

If he started taking Propecia now, could he in a sense head off male pattern baldness and prevent it from starting for a couple of years?


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is this person really you? lol

btw i think propecia will be preventative, but not to the extent that it would eliminate male pattern baldness...u will still go bald, but maybe slower and later in life than otherwise


the earlier you start it in your hair loss the longer you will keep your hair since you'll be starting higher on the Y-axis with the Y being hair count. The slope decline may be the same but the starting point will be a higher hair count so maybe he could add a few years to whatever norwood he ends up at. maybe he'll hit nw5 at 55 instead of 45 or whatever. just throwing some numbers out there.

no such thing as a nw0 as far as i know. nw1 is a full head of hair.