Propecia (finesteride) and prostate cancer?


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Hey everybody. I'm 20 years old, and have gone through quite a bit of hair loss over the past 2-3 years. I've never taken anything thus far to control it, but I'm thinking of getting involved sometime soon.

My question has to do with the use of Propecia (finesteride) and prostate cancer. I've read in numerous places that a study showed that while finesteride decreases the overall chances of getting prostate cancer, it INCREASES the chances of contracting one of the more serious variants of the disease vs. individuals on the placebo.

My family is at pretty high risk of getting prostate cancer (my grandfather, father, and uncle all have had it, though none were terminal), and so I'm wondering if anyone had some helpful information, or knew of a helpful place to look on the internet for more information.

I guess propecia appeals to me because it's taken orally (vs. something like minoxidil, which you have to apply, and let it dry, and etc.). At the same time, I've never taken anything before. So if you think minoxidil would be most helpful, let me know.



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Basically what you said was accurate. Finasteride does not cause cancer, but supposedly, if you believe that study, it can make a tumor more severe should you contract one. That study also included older men.

I think of it this way: you're a young man. You're not going to get prostate cancer in your 20's. Ain't gonna happen. If you take Finasteride for now, you're buying yourself some time until new treatments come along.

Still, if you simply can't get around the fear of cancer, use spironolactone and Revivogen and hope for results.


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The studies contradict each other on the severe cancers section.. one had finasteride with the disease (mind you, it wasn't many at all - like 4 people or something) and another study where some people on placebos (again a very low number) had the disease. The result - inconclusive, just bare in mind it may, but probably doesn't, have a link.