propecia, growth in 2 months?


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hey, i posed these same questions in "my story" too. Im in my third month of propecia (so a little over 2 months i've been using it) along with a semodex shampoo and some herbal supplements. I had a ton of shedding for like three weeks at the start, but new hairs "seemed" to be coming in? now at three months it really looks like there are a ton of new hairs growing in but i'm scared these are just old ones that aren't growing as long because they are dying, but when i pull my hair back the long ones go back and like hundreds of smaller hairs push out all along and just behind my hairline. did anyone else notice anything like this? what were your long term results?

my hair loss shedding has pretty much halted, i get like 1 or 2 in the shower when i sweep wet hands through my hair or shampoo.

thanks for any help guys this site rocks.


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hi trent,

i'm on 2nd week of propecia, and i've noticed some shedding too. how much was your shedding and when did it stop? so do you feel that your hair is fuller after 3 months of propecia? thanks.



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Im into the 2nd month of finasteride and too noticed some shedding for the first month. Not sure if regrowth is occurring, certainly hoping, but continue looking up!

From what ive heard/read, regrowth is highly unlikely after 2 months, but you could be a select few of the great responders

Best of luck,


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hey, basically, after like the second week i was shedding a decent amount. I am in med school, and i'd be studying and every few minutes i would see a hair somehwere, then all over on sheets of paper i had scattered through my room. actually i do feel my hair is thicker, in different mirrors it just doesn't look as terrible, and when i wake up my "bed head" just doesn't look as ridiculous as it did. i don't know if its just because i'm washing more and its healthier now or what. but i definitely did shed.


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also, i want to add that i'm using semodex shampoo and zinc/saw palmetto/stinging nettle supplements, i don't know if these helped at all, but at least they are making my hair feel healthier. for four years i almost never washed my hair because it seemed to make it dry looking, so i just kept piling on the gel, i'm thinking that the constant shampooing i'm doing now is helping to get rid of that piling of gel and making it feel healthier. anyone else using semodex??


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regrowth in 2 months

hey trent,


"now at three months it really looks like there are a ton of new hairs growing in but i'm scared these are just old ones that aren't growing as long because they are dying, but when i pull my hair back the long ones go back and like hundreds of smaller hairs push out all along and just behind my hairline"

Can you tell me a little more about the 'ton of new hairs' growing? Do these look like blackheads, microscopic in nature, on your hair line (or old hair line?) if so, after 6 weeks I have noticed same. I just wonder if they are going to transform into normal hairs like Greg's story here:

Notice he say's:
"For me, after the 3rd month, I started noticing small, very fine black hairs on my temple area where my hairline used to be. These hairs got darker and longer as the rest of my hair. "

He implies that these tiny hairs do transform into normal, darker and longer hairs. However he's the only person I know that has said this! would like to know basically.



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to be honest, i know this sounds really weird for only in third month, the hairs are all along my hairline (right at the line), there are some, but not quite as many about a half an inch behind that hairline (where there was some thinning) especially in the temples and i am getting new little hairs sprouting down below my hair line although there are not as many (there are some random ones so far below my hairline that i didn't even know my hairline was ever that low because i don't really have much of a receding hairline yet, just generally thinning), but i guess my hairline used to be lower.

the hairs are sort of random, there are some that are pretty thick, almost as thick as my normal hair, and some that are decently thinner, but they are all growing pretty normally (half inch a month), most have a brown pigment (not vellous hairs). since i just cut my hair, some are almost to the length of the rest of my hair (about 1 inch) because these had starting growing at the first month.

i think part of the reason its working pretty well (crossing my fingers) so early is that i didn't even really notice i had much of a problem (just a little bit in the back of my mind) then BAM it looked TON thinner and i got on it right away, got propecia a week later. so maybe i'm getting them back fast because i lost them so fast, and started treatment so fast, at least i'm hoping. i'm glad to hear someone else is having this happen, please keep me updated on what happens with your new hairs and i will do the same. i'm just worried about long term results so any input would be greatly appreciated.


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For all those ppl, if ur hair do shed.. its supposedly a good sign that its actually working for u... i wudnt get disappointed with that continue to use it for atleast a year b4 deciding the new strategy...