Propecia, help!!


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I've recently started taking propecia a week ago, I have noticed a lot of shedding in the past 2 days. From what I have read on the website it should not start for months. Is shedding this soon considered to be a good response to this treatment? I also had started with rogaine about 2 weeks ago but was recomended to try only propecia at first, with rogaine I had a bit of dandruff none with propecia. I would appreciate any advice.
Thanks for putting toguether this website, it's a great tool.


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if you're still using the minoxidil, the increase in shedding is probably more pronounced because you are starting two treatments at the same time. i believe i started shedding after only week 2 or 3 on propecia so i think its semi-normal. mine stopped in a few weeks, so just ride it out and don't freak out! you're doing everything you can right now.


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Thank you for your reply that leaves me a bit more calm. Do you think its necesary to use nizoral even if I don't have dandruff while taking propecia?


Scalp condition is more important then shedding.

If your scalp feels really healthy and you are shedding then that´s possibly a good sign.

If your scalp is oily, itchy and hurts and you are shedding then that´s a really bad sign.


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My scalp seems to be fine, I only had some dandruff and itching when I used rogaine. I was told to try propecia alone (since I started the treatment) What do u guys think? And for the users of propecia, is nizoral needed even if you don't have dandruff?
Thanks for your help!!


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well if you are trying to regrow or thicken up your hair use minoxidil. it is a pain in the butt in my opinion and i think consistent use is key. if you are just trying to maintain your hair just use propecia. if you itch, have flakes, or have a redish scalp i would suggest using nizoral once or twice a week just to make sure your scalp is in good shape. the 1% is available at drugstores for like $8 which will last long if you only use it 1 or 2 times per week.