Propecia: how long should I keep on trucking?


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Hi forum,

Been on Propecia for almost 9 months and honestly I must admit that my hair has continued to thin in this period. I've had (am currently still in one - going on two months!) 2 massive sheds that have left my hair pretty thin.

I really don't want to give up hope but am slowly loosing faith in this. I've heard of people getting first result around the 1 year mark so should I keep going for a year and a half or even longer just in case?

I really don't want to stop now (even though I'm not sure this is any benefit to me) but I want to keep this small hope of still maintaining (regrowth would be awesome but I'm still alright to just maintain - yes, starter very early).

Your response would be greatly appriciated!


Senior Member
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I would wait for the full 12 months and if your not happy then start on the minoxidil... that way you still have hope, and a good chance of something positive happening on top :D


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Hey guys - thanks for your replies. Been away this weekend chilling on the beach for 3 days :) (So freakin' hot here in Australia at the moment - reaching 42 degrees this week :freaked2: )

Buffboy: Thanks for your advice. sounds very interesting! Are you using Proxiphen at the moment? Is it a pain to apply? Are there any studies done on this? Where are you getting it from and how much is it?

Anything you can share on this subject is great. I, like you used to, am using the expensive Propecia but will soon switch to Proscar to save cost when adding something new.

Cheers mate (tak!)


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Since I went on Propecia, I have had bad sheds during the summer months. It always grows back in the winter though. It’s like clockwork, every year. The first year was the worst, after that, not so bad. But sometimes during these sheds, I will just take 2 weeks off. It doesn’t seem to hurt, in fact, it seems to help slow down the shedding a bit. Maybe you’re going through one of these seasonal sheds, seeing that you’re in Oz. I wouldn’t give up yet, but maybe take a short break and get back on it. Consider adding minoxidil too.


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Thanks Soulpatch - appriate your answer here. I really don't want to stop finasteride at all and will keep on it for a while.

How long have you been on finasteride for? Can you give me a short outline of your first year on finasteride and when did you start maintaining?

The thing that's worrying me is the quite a lot of the hairs I'm loosing are thin looking. I have lost density since starting but can see some regrowth of the shed I had the fist 3-4 months.

Thanks again Soulpatch!