Propecia just stops alpha 5 reductase type 2 enzyme from converting Test to DihydroTest. It reduces a bit less than 70% of your blood serum levels of dihydrotestosterone and only 34% of your scalp level of dihydrotestosterone.
So you have the testosterone in your body that WOULD HAVE BEEN CONVERTED TO DHT if you werent on propecia. It didnt get converted to DHT, so your testosterone levels are higher than they would have been.
But its not cause for panic. Some men dont have the alpha-5 reductase enzymes to convert T to DHT. Their is a Puerto Rican family with absolutely NO history of hairloss and they were found to have this. Needless to say, full heads of hair.
Your body does make more androgen receptors on propecia however on follicle bulbs..........