Propecia maintenace question


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when can you expect for hair loss to completely stop and just maintain. Is it near the beginning six months. Or last six months of the year ?

And what is the percentage of completely maintaing?


Established Member
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when should you see your hair stop falling out and maintaining or is there really no way in knowing that. cause im on my forth month and it still feels as if my hair isn't maintaining. There is definite improvement and i went past a hard shed but its still kinda iffy.


Senior Member
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You should see a slowing of hair loss about month 3, an increase in density at about month 6. However, it can take up to 12 months to see a definite response.


Established Member
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since duasteride has a longer half life do u think it is possible to add it twice a week to my current regime to get better results? or is that not necessary because my main concern is to stabalize my hairline.


Senior Member
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if you were gonna do that there wouldnt be any point in taking finasteride anyway.