Propecia - mental side effects


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The only adverse reactions to finasteride officially reported as "possibly, probably or definitely drug-related" are sexual side effects; breast tenderness and enlargement; hypersensitivity reactions including rashes and swelling of the lips and face; and testicular pain.


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I thought I saw heart palpatations or was that for dutasteride. ANyway, I have chronic anxiety that no matter what I do it is still there I can only hope to dull it enough to enjoy a moment or two. I haven't noticed any increase from finasteride but I may already be maxed out in the anxiety area. Its bad. Good luck


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Many suffer from Brain fog, concentration and tiredness.

I suffer from tiredness which is why i'm now only on 0.25 mg, now its not so bad.

So just reduce dose if you are experiencing heavy sides.


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Same here. I'm on .25mg now (at night), which still gives me *some* sexual sides... but it's manageable. The brain fog seems to have disappeared.


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How do you know how to compare tiredness. I guess it's a little hard to explain but can you tell me how you guys were like hell I think I am generally more tired now?


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I'm having definite anxiety attacks and depression since I started on Proscar. I've always been pretty good humoured despite my obvious concern about my hair, but this just really knocked me on my arse! My wife noticed it too. I'm like in a constant state of depression. I think I have to stop taking it, which is a real shame, since it actually was working! (only about half a dozen hairs falling out in the shower, even if I didn't wash it for 3 days!!)

I definitely believe that there is a psychological side effect with this drug. I've never felt so bad before!


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It's no surprise that there's a correlation between Finasteride use and depression. Finasteride users, by definition, are losing their hair. Hair loss tends to make men depressed, to a greater or lesser extent. Proving causation is another matter. I don't see why a lack of DHT, slightly increased testosterone and estrogen should cause depression or anxiety.


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I have the same problem, it seem that Propecia is getting me down (and no energy) So I cut down to 0.25mg and now I feel better. I am sure that Testosterone level have a correlation with humor.


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No, higher estrogen levels should have a POSITIVE effect on mental state. Low levels of estrogen in women are associated with the premenstrual syndrome, postnatal depression and post-menopausal depression. Sex differences in schizophrenia have also been attributed to estrogen. You can't blame everything on Propecia. :roll:


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I don't know if it's testosterone or some other finasteride effect, but it DEFINITELY had a mental effect on me. I can say that without a doubt. I was taking for about 4 years and the mental effects came on slowly and subtly... but now that I've been off entirely for about a month now, I feel like a completely different person.


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Me too and I'am like in a paradoxism. If I don't take Propecia, I become depress because I know I'am loosing my hair and if I take it, I become depress because I am taking it... What to choose !! that's the question...


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Ha. Yeah... I know what you mean. For me it's either:

A. Be depressed about hair (no finasteride)
B. No will to get out of bed / no motivation / no desire for anything (finasteride)

I'll pick A. Even if I'm depressed about hair, at least I feel like I'm alive.


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You guys sound like you're suffering from general depression. Propecia is just a weak anti-androgen. The lower DHT, higher T and estrogen shouldn't affect your mental state unless you worry yourself into it. The modestly higher estrogen levels should in theory stimulate the dopamine receptors in your brain, which is a good thing.