Propecia or Rogaine ?


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i am a 29 year old male and have been thinning/shedding(?) very badly for the last 5-6 years, its not like a constant shed it is just a little every now and then, i know you here all this about 100-150 hairs everyday is normal but i have really gone thin up there over the last few years even worse in the last 6 months, my hair has gone to crap recently, masive shed, it is realy freaking me out! I can feel the shape of a norwood horseshoe through my hair, people look at me (my hair!) all the time like i am a freak or something, it is getting really bad realy quick!!

do you think it would be better for the use propecia or rogaine ?

here is a photo (sorry phone/camera low quality) i took today.

what do you think, what norwood do you think i am ?


Jesus! why me ! :x


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i am only trying to find out what is the best to take for hair loss iam freaking out and you can only joke on me ?

what is your problem dude!

anyone else?


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Ok seriously now, I think you are screwed big time.

I think you will be needing Rogaine(orally) and propecia (topically).

In case you pores do not allow the absorption of the fairly large proscar pill you could consider suppositories.

Best of luck. Remember: we are in this together.


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if all you want to do is joke on me i will ignore you or get you a ban for your stupid joke.

i bet you dont even got any hair problems you are just trying to joke on me.

i know that rogaine is for the hair and propecia you take like a drug, so dont call me stupid.


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HelpMyHair! said:
if all you want to do is joke on me i will ignore you or get you a ban for your stupid joke.

i bet you dont even got any hair problems you are just trying to joke on me.
Ah! now I get it! you are my personal OCD trigger!
i know that rogaine is for the hair and propecia you take like a drug, so dont call me stupid.

Can I call you Cupid? (Nizoral 2% use test imminent)

Mr. Smezmar

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Normally, ridiculing someone would be considered a bad thing on these forums, but in this case HelpMyHair deserves it. If u want be taken seriously, don't post pictures that are supposedly you with a full head of hair. Honestly, would you expect anyone to take you seriously with a post like that. It's the fact that people like you mock people like me who actually are losing their hair that i stopped coming to these forums. This is the first time I have been back to these forums in almost 8 months and this is the first post I have to read.....your a joke HelpMy"FullHeadOf"Hair.


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Mr. Smezmar :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

i aint ridicuing nobody !!!!!

ok the photo is not the best, but believe me it is worst if you are close up, i will do some more photos and paste them here and you will see how screwed my hair is.

i cant believe you people cant answer a simple freaking question and tell me what is better rogiane or propecia. maybe i should just go to another forum you people are no help at all!


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The answer to your question is Propecia. Hands down. It is the treatment that is used by guys just starting to lose hair. Propecia and Nizoral, and nothing else. Leave the rogaine for 10 years from now when you actually start to see skin showing through. Seriously.

If you genuinely are seeing mass hair loss, like as in ... wake up and pillow covered with hair .... hair falling onto the tops of your hands while you type .... hair clogging up the shower drain .... then yes you could be seeing the very beginning of hair loss.

Propecia 1mg daily will make you shed more for a few more months, but it will level out and you will most likely never look like you are losing hair.

My advice is only valid if you are genuinely losing mass amounts of hair. There is about a 10 month period where this start to occur before any hair loss is visible to others or even yourself. So your sanity is being heavily relied upon here.


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at last a sensible reply to my enquiry !!!!!!

ok, that sounds good but i am not just 'starting loose my hair it has been getting worst for at least 5 years, as you can see in my photo i am pretty close to being completely screwed by this thing !

this shedding sounds worring when you buy propeca ? i take it you loose a bit but not everything ?

maybe i should go for both rogaine and propecia ??

also i read on here about avodart where can i buy that also, and i will get some nizoral.

what norwood setting would you say i have? a 1 or 2 or 3 ?

thanks for you help


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what a funny *** thread.

Shave my poodle

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HelpMyHair! its OVER MAN!.
Nothing can bring back those lost hairs judging by that picture. I mean, I've seen MORE hair on my transexual girlfriends top lip than on your glowing freak of a boiled egg bonce.

I prescribe shaving the last remaining 3 hairs from that head and going to live in the hills with the sheep and cow.

Do society a favour and get away from us YOU FREAK! :evil:


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Is this Hugh Grant personally? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


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HelpMyHair! said:
serious!? i dont have that much loss yet, wow, i thought i was more like a 1 or a 2.


Fear not my friend, there are many great treatments you can try now. Have you tried topical Procerin?

There's also this great new product out called Toppik a friend told me about it, I applied some the other day and ALL my hair grew back in front of my eyes in seconds, it was incredible! :shock: But the downside is the newly grown hair with this stuff seems to be allergic to water and all falls out when you wash your hair, but I got round this problem by never washing. At all.


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helpmyhair i think your a p*ss taker, you purposely show a photo of a full head of hair, and then ask what norwood you are, do you actually think your funny??

are you trying to have a jibe at people who are loosing their hair, if not show us a proper photo where you are ACTUALLY loosing your hair, and you will get sensible replys.

you f**king wanker !