Propecia (proscar) side effects (breasts)


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Hello i'm new here. I just started using Proscar and I'm a bit worried about the side effects. My doctor told me some of them - but I have to say that what worry me the most is "breasts growing"???

WTF? Any of you have breasts growing? :freaked2:

I already have some small nipples and i'm not overheight. I don't want these things to grow! What are the chances of this happening? Also if this happens is it permanent? Or they go away when you stop proscar?


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Hey Bro,

Welcome to the forum. I wouldnt worry too much as you just started your treatments. The possibilities of having side effects accoring to Merk is 2% although others claim its higher. Gyno can occur and if it does you have to discontinue use of the drug and see your doctor. But I believe the chances are very low. Some users here have had that happened, they will most likely be able to answer this question a little better then I could. Besides that I would expect an increase in libido followed by a decrease in libido until things level off. Good luck!!!



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Welcome Mr. Hardcore,

I've been taking 2.5mg finasteride for 5 years and I've had no problems at all with it. Like Brasileirao suggested, if you start to see any side effects, discontinue use and see your doctor. I wouldn't worry about it, you're not just going to wake-up with breasts one morning.

Good luck,
