Propecia Question


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I'm 18 But I'm still growing. I haven't really filled out yet, and I don't have to shave regularly.

Unfortunetly I've already noticed the hair around my temples moving in, and the whole sides of my head is really patchy so when my hair is longer it looks like I got all these baldness on the sides of my head.

My question is by taking propecia is there a posibility of growth stunts and things like that. Since I"m still growning is it a bad idea to take things DHT blockers.

I don't really know much about it other than its linked to somthing in the testosterone, and I don't want to like stop growing- and would it make me not able to grow a beard or would it speed it up.. I dunno... I'm sorta confused can sumone help me out



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Propecia is for Male Pattern Baldness only.

If you are losing hair on the sides of your head, or in irregular patches, then you do not have Male Pattern Baldness.

The temples moving in may be from male pattern baldness, but it is also quite common at your age for men to shift to a "mature", but stable, hairline.

Internal DHT blockers may be a bad idea if you are still growing, yes. But I would have to assume that the risk there is that theres a possibility that you wont grow quite as much.


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its not patchy.... uhhh its hard to explain, I think that the area around the side of my head, not too far away from the temple, is thinning and when I grow my hair out longer it looks like really weird and u can see my scalp.. I have to keep my hair at a buzz cut so it looks fine.

and I can tell parts of my temple are probably going to die.. the hair is like really thin and its sorta blond even tho the rest of my hair is brown.

I think maybe i'll try to get some pics, I have to borrow a friends camera, so maybe tommarow



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probably because that many of us have no idea if DHT blockers will cause growth stunts. I, for one, do not.


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fallicule said:
probably because that many of us have no idea if DHT blockers will cause growth stunts. I, for one, do not.

If you're 18, take finasteride if you think you have hair loss. But if you have patchy hair loss, go see a good dermatologist. He/she will be able to tell you if it's male pattern baldness or something else.
