Propecia Questions....


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From the look of this board, every last person on finasteride sees some kind of sexual side effect? Is the 2% total b.s? Is there anyone that still functions normally?

Secondly, during treatment, how many days can you go without finasteride (say you are camping or something...pure hypothetical) before you see problems. With minoxidil, even 3-4 days is no big deal, I know from experience.

I still have a good deal of hair (Norwood 1.5 maaaybe, more like a 1) and am considering getting on the stuff for preventative measures.

Thanks in advance.


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I'm only at my one month-mark, but I haven't experienced any sides hitherto.

As it has been said before - this is mainly a support forum. People come here to complain and get help.

I can't really see a situation where I'd have to go without Finasteride. If I were to to camping for a week, I'd just bring a little plastic bag with seven pills. They can easily be swallowed without water.


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No side effects...

I haven't had any side effects from finasteride (10 months and counting). I think you've probably seen a few cases on this board because people who experience sexual side effects use this board to complain.

Overall, I don't think you should be that concerned with it. Also, if you did happen to have side effects, you could just stop taking it.

The Rock

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headache how is ur situation going after 10 month, besides teh throbbing??


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I had side effects and use this board to complain. Right off the bat when I got on finasteride I lost my labido, and erections were weaker. Now, about 4 weeks in I guess (i'm bad at keeping track of time) I've had a complete turn-around and I'm fiending for punani (I also use this board to boast). I've got a feeling i'm in for some kind of labido roller coaster ride but i'm not sure. I have no idea if the 2% is bullshit, it does seem like alot of people on this site have side effects, but then again, maybe it's just us complainers.


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I've experienced the sexual sides, so for me it's 100% and not 2%. I lost nearly all of my libido 2 weeks in, but most of it bounced back a couple weeks later. I'm guessing that it was due to my body adjusting. I also noticed that I was chronically tired in the 1st few weeks and I put on quite a bit of weight (13 pounds...never had a gut before). I'm back to my old self now which leads me to believe that my metabolism is up again and I should be able to lose the weight I gained over the next couple months.

Oh...P.S. I've been on Propecia for almost 7 weeks

Why me?

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I was on finasteride for 3 yrs with NOT 1 SIDE EFFECT. I guess I was lucky that is why I am making the switch to dutasteride. Hopefully my body will respond to this drug also.


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Why me... did propecia stop working for you after 3 years? why the switch to dutasteride?


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I've been on for... probably 2 months or so. No sexual sides to report. Not that I've been looking for them.

oh but my balls did ache for the first 5 days or so.

Then again, i think some people are just more prone to side effects than others. You know the type -- that guy with thick glasses that is allergic to everything. :D

My body is a beast and neither minoxidil or finasteride has had any effect besides the one they advertise.


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uncertain said:
From the look of this board, every last person on finasteride sees some kind of sexual side effect? Is the 2% total b.s? Is there anyone that still functions normally?

Secondly, during treatment, how many days can you go without finasteride (say you are camping or something...pure hypothetical) before you see problems. With minoxidil, even 3-4 days is no big deal, I know from experience.

I still have a good deal of hair (Norwood 1.5 maaaybe, more like a 1) and am considering getting on the stuff for preventative measures.

Thanks in advance.

No side effects at ALL. 3 weeks today...