Propecia Reference In Hbo Show "ballers"


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Been watching this show starring the Rock, and in season 2 the Rock's friend/partner (who is also bald) is digging for info, bribing the doctor at some sketchy medical clinic, and at the end of their interaction he hands the Doctor cash asking for "that propecia all the kids are talking about"(or something along those lines)

How mainstream is knowledge of propecia/finasteride? My general impression has always been that most people don't know what the f*ck it is or that such an option even exists for men with male pattern baldness
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Agustin Araujo

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Most people don't care about balding considering that it's seen as something 'normal' out in the real world. But yeah, generally there's no respect for the condition. Many also assume that there really aren't options for baldness.


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My impression is that many people know about propecia and rogaine.

Joss Whedon made a joke about it a while back. He was asked what he would tell his younger self if he could send advice back in time. Audience was expecting something about character development or career maneuvering, etc. He just answered "Rogaine". lol. That joke probably doesn't get made in reference to obscure drugs.




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Most people don't care about balding considering that it's seen as something 'normal' out in the real world. But yeah, generally there's no respect for the condition. Many also assume that there really aren't options for baldness.

"There is no respect" is an understatement, I'm mocked every day because of my baldness.


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My impression is that many people know about propecia and rogaine.

Joss Whedon made a joke about it a while back. He was asked what he would tell his younger self if he could send advice back in time. Audience was expecting something about character development or career maneuvering, etc. He just answered "Rogaine". lol. That joke probably doesn't get made in reference to obscure drugs.



Holy sh*t, he goes from looking 25 years old to 50.


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My impression is that many people know about propecia and rogaine.

Joss Whedon made a joke about it a while back. He was asked what he would tell his younger self if he could send advice back in time. Audience was expecting something about character development or career maneuvering, etc. He just answered "Rogaine". lol. That joke probably doesn't get made in reference to obscure drugs.



Yeah, I've been hearing people make Rogaine jokes for years, but propecia? I literally never heard of it until I started researching hair loss solutions approximately 3 years ago


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Well I remember propecia because it used to sponsor the race car rally I think, and I remember seeing adverts in propecia, before I noticed my hair loss


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We are like the f*****g mafia. Most people never hear about it and freak out about rumored side effects.


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TNT crew be making fun of Lebron, saying he should be sponsored by Rogaine lol.

Lebron is one of the most powerful(wealth, popularity, even physically) people in America, and even he cares about his hair loss. This sh*t isn't a joke.

That Guy

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Most people know about Rogaine. Far fewer know about Propecia.


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Rogaine rightfully deserves a proper place in The male pattern baldness/FPB Hall of Fame.
Albeit many have been vastly disappointed by it's performance/track record, it still has it's devoted fans.
After all it was the first hair loss medical break through drug in the history of mankind that to this day
offers a glimmer of tangible hope for the once recently forlorn baldite.