Propecia - sexual side effects?


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Hey guys. I'm a 23 year old that's been experiencing noticeable hair loss for about the past year, or so. Upon first noticing my mild hair loss about a year ago, I tried Propecia as prescribed by my doctor. I took it for one day, felt some discomfort in the pelvic area, and didn't have any sort of 'activity' down below that whole day, so I got a bit scared and decided to pull myself off of it. Fast forward to late last week when I got my hair cut from a shaggy, medium-length style to a short, buzz-cut-type style. After getting it cut, I discovered nearly all the hair on top of my head was thinning. So I decided to give Propecia another shot.

Been on it for three days now, and while I have a some mild discomfort and what seems like a reduced sex drive, it doesn't seem quite as bad as the one day I took it last year; but still, ithe effects worry me a bit.

So my question is: Have any of you guys noticed any long-term sexual effects with Propecia? I've read sexual side effects often occur for the first few months while the body adjusts, but in you guys who have had these problems, do they seem to disappear after that period of time? Or do these effects always seem to stick around? And if so, do they ever lighten rather than simply disappearing? Thanks for your help, guys.


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clampdown33 said:
Been on it for three days now, and while I have a some mild discomfort and what seems like a reduced sex drive, it doesn't seem quite as bad as the one day I took it last year; but still, ithe effects worry me a bit.

People with side effects KNOW they have them...I'm willing to bet these are in your head. If you keep thinking about it you will give yourself erectile disfunction.


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Skaff said:
clampdown33 said:
Been on it for three days now, and while I have a some mild discomfort and what seems like a reduced sex drive, it doesn't seem quite as bad as the one day I took it last year; but still, ithe effects worry me a bit.

People with side effects KNOW they have them...I'm willing to bet these are in your head. If you keep thinking about it you will give yourself erectile disfunction.

Nope, the side effects I mentioned are most certainly happening. It's been 4 days now, and there's no doubt about it.


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Skaff said:
clampdown33 said:
Been on it for three days now, and while I have a some mild discomfort and what seems like a reduced sex drive, it doesn't seem quite as bad as the one day I took it last year; but still, ithe effects worry me a bit.

People with side effects KNOW they have them...I'm willing to bet these are in your head. If you keep thinking about it you will give yourself erectile disfunction.

I don't think this is the answer he went looking for though. Most people don't even dispute that finasteride can cause sexual side effects. Many people here report having them initially. So who's to say they won't remain in a healthy minority of people.

To answer his question though, I suffered sexual side effects as far as dysfunction. It was almost as if a multi-layered condom was stopping sensation... making my penis feel as if it was shot up with cortizone. And instead of huge blood engorged erections, they were a lot more limp and soft. And it took A LOT more effort to keep them going. For a guy in his early twenties, this is a scary proposition. This happened whether with a sexual partner or not.

But after stopping for a month, my erections were 100 PERCENT back to normal, as were spontaneous morning erections. It was at that point, I reduced my dosage to .5mg, and found side effects diminished and results remained relatively static. So I would definitely recommend trying to reduce dosage.