Propecia shedding


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Ok so I started taking propecia for the past almost 2 weeks. And I am shedding alot. I feel that my hair line has receded a little too.
Is this good? Is this bad? If propecia is working, when does the new hair starts to grow after the shedding?

I dont know. Have anyone experienced shedding this soon from Propecia?

Any help/comment is appreciated.


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from what i have read/researched it is normal, so don't worry, relax and all the rest.

Just try not to even look at the hairs that may be fallin out ( in shower or whatev)..cuz it only fuks u up..

so ya don't worry


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Your hair is expressing your treatments/actions of 3 months ago. You will not know what kind of growth or not you will get until after 3-6 months of use. So stop stressing / looking in the mirror - it only makes things worse.

Believe in your finasteride - talk to your pills, caress them and swallow.


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KeVlaR said:
Your hair is expressing your treatments/actions of 3 months ago. You will not know what kind of growth or not you will get until after 3-6 months of use. So stop stressing / looking in the mirror - it only makes things worse.

Believe in your finasteride - talk to your pills, caress them and swallow.

I hope you are joking with the last big, talking to pills and caressing them thats just a little insane.

I have been on Rogaine for like 4 months and 1/2 and i dont see any results.. :( should i add spironolactone?


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guy83 said:
KeVlaR said:
Your hair is expressing your treatments/actions of 3 months ago. You will not know what kind of growth or not you will get until after 3-6 months of use. So stop stressing / looking in the mirror - it only makes things worse.

Believe in your finasteride - talk to your pills, caress them and swallow.

I hope you are joking with the last big, talking to pills and caressing them thats just a little insane.

I have been on Rogaine for like 4 months and 1/2 and i dont see any results.. :( should i add spironolactone?

Well we all have are ways of coping with hair loss - insanity works for me. (I am joking yes)

If you have been on rogaine for 4mo that is most likely why you have some loss. Rogaine can cause sheds - do a search or two on the site for old topics about this.

You want the big three - rogaine 5%, nizoral 1%, and finasteride 1mg. Try this regime and stick with it for 6mo before adding anything else. Everytime you add or change something new you throw a wrench into the works and you can't judge what is actually working for you and what is just wasting your money.


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Well Ive used Rogaine for 4 months and 1/2 and added Nizoral 1% and Propecia 1mg per day for the past 13 days.

Shall I keep going on this for the next 6 months and then determine if I want to add spironolactone?


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guy83 said:
Well Ive used Rogaine for 4 months and 1/2 and added Nizoral 1% and Propecia 1mg per day for the past 13 days.

Shall I keep going on this for the next 6 months and then determine if I want to add spironolactone?

Yes, that is what I would recommend. The only thing missing from your regime now is folligen but you only need that if your scalp condition is bad - if Rogaine use causes any inflammation or irritation for you.