propecia sheds


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hey everyone.

im goin on 4 and a half months on propecia and rogaine. I was wondering im starting to notice that more hair is falling in my sink if it is possible that even though i already went through a shed on propecia earlier in my treatment, if it is possible that i can go through a second shed later on in the treatment.

And if so will i always go through different sheds each year when im on propecia and rogaine?

thanks a lot guys soon ill bring pics but how do you send pics from your phone to your computer ?


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and one more thing its almost 4 and a half months on propecia and i still receding. Does this mean it is not likely to stop and i should switch to something like dutasteride. Or does this mean i should still wait and give it 4 or 5 months ?


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Hello PinkFloyd,

The reason you are not getting any answers is because there is no one way to answer your questions really. Everybody is different and drugs react differently to each person. I took Propecia for a year and shed the entire time I was on it. I was extremely depressed about it. Against all advice I quit and a year later the hair that I shed on Propecia finally grew back. So there is not only one way or one response to the drugs. Some guys apparently grow back the hair quickly and others like me...well it wasn't until I was off the drug for a long time before it grew back. Now two years later and no drugs in me, I no longer have those ridiculous sheds...just normal (SLOW) hairloss, which I can handle. Shedding hair at the rate that I was on propecia was tough to take mentally. I was going bald just fine on my own, I sure didn't need a drug to help it out any! LOL


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pf7, u need to take propecia for at least a year to evaluate results.

spending time on these forums I gathered that:

1) people do go through multiple sheds.
2) people experience noticeable hair gain nearing the 12th month, for some it takes even more time.