Propecia side effect !!!! How to solve


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I feel like my nipple is swollen and is soft .. Besides that , i am shedding more on the temples and is this normal or is it my hairloss getting more aggressive?

I feel like i can't concentrate too , i tried taking on alternative day and on the day i am off propecia, i feel better and can do work more efficiently.

If i continue on propecia, is it possbile for these sides to go away ?

ANOTHER Question !
If i quit the treatment half way thru , will the hairloss become more aggressive than before ( before i get on the treatment )


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as for your last question, i assume it would depend on how long you've been on it. for some reason, the androgen receptors get more sensitive while on finasteride(body's way of creating balance?), so after you quit, at least for a while, the balding process will accelerate. don't think you'll lose more hair than you would if you never went on finasteride in the first place, though...


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Been on 1.25mg finasteride for bout 1 month but stopped due to side and then about 1 - 2months later started on it again for about 1 and a half months up till now


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Each does of finasteride acts to reduce DHT in your system for up to several days. The biological effects of finasteride can take 1-2 weeks to reverse after you stop taking it, meaning your hormones hopefully return to normal. This is what I've read.

I started and stopped twice now, much like yourself. It seemed to take a week or so to feel normal again. I found my sides to be insidious in that they crept up on me a bit, though I would say I fellt pretty much numb below the waist! That was obvious. Mental fatigue causing problems concentrating and mood swings were less obvious, but for me, definetely a result of being on finasteride! I even lowered doses by quite a lot but still had the sides.

good luck


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Hi, Jads

Have your hairloss become more aggressive than before you started after you stopped treatment?


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Nicholas, in regaurds to your hair shedding after one month, thta is normal...Dont worry about that at all, it takes a very long time to see results from propecia, around 8-12 months usually. Ive been on it 3 and ive kept on shedding up until recently. Get your swelling checked out but dont worry bout the shedding, its normal


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I have shed a lot of hair at the temple regions since i started the treatment . i am afraid that if i stop the treatment , i will be far worse than before i start treatment .

Do you shed a lot of hair in the temple region that it looks like it has receeded? Is that considered normal for shedding?


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yeah man, i shed a lot at the temple, it sucks and i think im in the same boat as you, im afraid to stop as well. But from reading all of the info on these forums and from reading stuff from credible doctors ( it seems like shedding in the first few months is normal. I guess the hair will come back stronger that it was or youll atleast maintain what you have. The way i see it is if i dont take propecia im gonna go bald eventually, right? If i do take it at the very least it will most likely help maintain the hair i have and if i end up getting worse on it, what the hell, right, im gonna go bald with or with out it. Hang in there though, anyone here will tell you that 1 month is way, way too early to tell anything, give it 12 months