propecia side effect?


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hello guys. im 20 years old 7 months on propecia. taking 1mg before the night with multi vitamin. and minoxidil in the night and in the morning.
i think the 1mg dose making a lil problems.. currently im not horny like before.
and the "tool" is standing only if i touch it or etc or if its a vert acciting situation lol
but its not like before that i had high libido?
so yesterday i started taking 0.5 mg
i got few questions..
can it make thos sides go away?
when is the best time to take propecia? (i heard tostesterone is more active at night)
i saw that someone here on the forum said it doesnt make diffrent to take lower dose when u deal with side effects
will loser dose make any problems in getting reasult?
cuz im starting 2 see very good reasult here.

did it effected u in trying 2 get mucle mass?

another few things i have 2 say
im currently working out realy hard in the past 3 years since 17
and before taking propecia i did bloodworks to see wat is the balding reason..
so i guess i should do another now?
ty vm guys