
Propecia - Side Effects or No?


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Hey all,

Before I begin, I want to ask that anyone who has used Propecia without any problems please speak up. If you had problems, speak up too, but those who have not had problems especially speak up.

I started reading up on finasteride and there have been a lot of outspoken people who have a lot of issues with the medication, enough that I am starting to feel uncomfortable being on it for fear that I might develop the known side effects. What confuses me is that, when I come to forums like this, it almost seems like people who have detrimental side effects are in the majority, even though studies say that those who develop problems are in the minority (reference). Is there anyone that can offer more information? Or if anyone who has used Finasteride successfully could share their point of view and maybe help to put me at ease? It seems like only the people who have had problems are speaking up.

A couple of my biggest concerns:
  • Side-effects persisting after quitting Finasteride
  • Depression that has been linked to the use of Finasteride (source 1, source 2)

I am less concerned with a lowered libido and more with the depression that has been linked to the lowered libido. I don't want to end up depressed because of this medication, and then have it linger should I decide to quit. Have any of you who have suffered the side effects of finasteride had issues with depression?

Thanks for any information that you guys can offer.


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The large majority of finasteride users do not get any significant side effects. I had some sexual sides initially, but after a few months my sides gradually faded, and eventually they disappeared completely. I switched to dutasteride a few months ago and the sides have never come back. Among the users who do get sides, the majority only have fairly mild sides, and usually the sides lessen over time as your body adjusts to the drug. Only about 2% of finasteride users have side-effects severe enough to the point that they need to stop treatment.


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Ive used dutasteride for 8 months and no sides

finasteride does not cause permanent sides

viet nom nom

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5 months on finasteride. No sexual sides.

As I've said elsewhere I got the thin semen and some loss of body hair.


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taking 5ar inhibitors such as finasteride or dutasteride is like playing russian roulette,,,if you are unlucky enough to be one of the people who does get permanent sides believe me when i tell you it is not simply a case of a slightly lowered libido or a touch or ed what can be fixed by a little v**** etc,,,if things go wrong for you on these drugs it can totally change your life,,,you will have no urge to have sex with a woman,,,watching p**rn will do nothing for you,,,no nocturnal erection,,,no spontanious erections,,,no morning erections,,,no sexual thoughts or dreams whatsoever,,,sex will be the last thing on your mind,,,not only that but you will have chronic fatigue,,,weak as a kitten all the time,,,no motivation,,,no zest for life anymore,,,no feelings,,,zombie like,,,i have been like this for 7 years,,,i took propecia for 3 years without any sides then one day boom they hit me like a ton of bricks.....................


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1 year on finasteride, no sides. Oddly, I feel more horny now at 32 whilst on finasteride.

viet nom nom

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taking 5ar inhibitors such as finasteride or dutasteride is like playing russian roulette,,,if you are unlucky enough to be one of the people who does get permanent sides believe me when i tell you it is not simply a case of a slightly lowered libido or a touch or ed what can be fixed by a little v**** etc,,,if things go wrong for you on these drugs it can totally change your life,,,you will have no urge to have sex with a woman,,,watching p**rn will do nothing for you,,,no nocturnal erection,,,no spontanious erections,,,no morning erections,,,no sexual thoughts or dreams whatsoever,,,sex will be the last thing on your mind,,,not only that but you will have chronic fatigue,,,weak as a kitten all the time,,,no motivation,,,no zest for life anymore,,,no feelings,,,zombie like,,,i have been like this for 7 years,,,i took propecia for 3 years without any sides then one day boom they hit me like a ton of bricks.....................

Allow me to translate:

blah blah blah, big pharma, blah blah blah, some **** fred and the nw8 crew say anyway.

Its more like playing russian roulette with a 100 chamber gun and 2 bullets. And those two bullets are 65% not actually bullets.

Mr Mayhem

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The first week on finasteride I was completely fine getting crazy morning wood, fast forward a few weeks it really messed me up. The sides can be lingering do not believe all the guys who haven't had to deal with it because how could they understand? Lol. My advice would be to use ru but hey you make your own decision either way


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thats exactly right mr mayhem,,,if someone had said the same to me in the first few year i was taking it id have been very sceptical about what they were saying,,,i was so desperate to keep my hair i doubt i would have listened to any advice about potential side effects,,,even the makers recently updated leaflet tells you side effects can remain even after stopping the drug,,,i still have a decent head of hair but would swap it in a heartbeat to feel like a man again,,,to feel those animal urges what i used feel,,,to feel some sexual electricity etc,,,i went from being a normal happy healthy horny guy to a zombie in the space of 24 hours and have been like that for the last seven years,,,there are two studies going on at the minute at two of americas elite medical institutions to try and find out why finasteride is giving men permanent sexual side effects,,,my advice steer well clear of 5ar inhibitors and go for another product...................


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A couple of my biggest concerns:

  • Side-effects persisting after quitting Finasteride
  • Depression that has been linked to the use of Finasteride (source 1, source 2)

i would prefer not to inhibit androgens. Otherwise do whatever you want. you may face androgen insensitivity syndrome after you cease finasteride. also your unborned child will be a girl.(most possible)
but of course your life your choice. also i offer you to educate yourself on inhibitor drugs, where is 5ar s why people get MS, alzheimers after finasteride like inhibitors.



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i would prefer not to inhibit androgens. Otherwise do whatever you want. you may face androgen insensitivity syndrome after you cease finasteride. also your unborned child will be a girl.(most possible)

evidence it causes insensitivity and a greater likelihood of female offspring? The second one doesn't even make sense. The genetic material in your sperm is determined randomly by either the X or Y chromosome. Has nothing to do with androgen levels of the father...


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I totally feel you on the sides but from what I understand, most of the people who have encountered sides from finasteride are almost always temporary. There are so many people on the internet who will tell you not to take finasteride because of the "sides" they deal with after quitting. There are also millions of people who are completely happy with their results and never bother talking about propecia on forums because they are enjoying their lives with their hair. I just got my supply of propecia in front of me as I type this out and it is even difficult for me to take the first pill. The way I see it, if you do encounter sides, I would stop taking the drug. Many people will keep taking the drug even if they are dealing with the sides, but I feel like if you continue to stay on finasteride while dealing with side effects, you will have sides even after quitting. I don't mean permanent side effects, but depending on how long you take the drug and ignore the sides, it could last a couple years. But then again, it might just be a psychological thing. Just my 2 cents.


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it is risky if you are an alpha male that really you feel you CAN do something without hair with girls,
unless you have nothing to lose.

while using Propecia there is no problem
you will see the pysocolocigal thing when you consider stopping that manliness-poison-transexxual-drug
hen you really feel the penile shrinkage, lost penile sensivity etc etc, after ~1.5 month
wake up with fatigue and probably you dont blame finasteride for all
you will lost your feelings, unable to have sex etc.

so my advice to you is go have sex with several girls before starting propecia, get really drunk because you will never get that feeling again after propecia, listen the sound of silence in a quiet room because you will get a neurotransmittal brain damage and get a Tinnitus (constant dingling ), also you will lost your memory, cognition function, oilness in skin that saves your skin from aging fast, look at your beard last time how fast it grows, facial bloating will occur because of impaired cortisol balance, estrogen dominant fat will occur in your waistline and hips, your chin bone will be circle rather than square because of low dht, take a look at clear sky if you see floaters in your vision(because you will get after Propecia.-its like clomid), be sure your eyes not dry... flat feeling or depressed feeling, thyroid problems, adrenal fatigue, adrenal pain, bone pain... the list is very huge... because androgenic properties everywhere. you are bloking your manly thinking and fill your neurotransmitters with estrogen, unbalance them with a single pill. this is so easy but there will be no treatment or turn back. this is your life

again if you can not trust yourself without hair, you suspect from low testosterone, try increasing your testosterone rather than blocking it because dht itself gives you self esteem, courage, engage relationships and MANLINESS. not hairy scalp.

if you consider stopping drug now PLEASE DONT TAKE IT. SAVE YOUR LIFE. even only one pill can kill your 6-10 years to normalize again to %50 -%60 and lose your health. forget the idea that you will get back 100/100 its scam

- - - Updated - - -

5 months on Estrogen and T Blockers! YAY!!
