Propecia Side Effects



iwanthair said:
Has anyone noticed a decrease is libido as well as a decrease in amount of man goo??

There are TONS of posters who have come on this board reporting these two complaints.


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What a bunch of pharmceutical bastards, ive gone from a hand canon to a quirt gun. I dunno about anyone else, but i rather go bald then f*** with propecia again, hell I might as well just get rich and have a transplant.... anyone else wanna share there thoughts


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How long have you been taking it for? It usually starts at about month 3 from what I've read here....It will probably go back to normal by month six (guessing) if it's going to return to normal.


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The minority get side-effects it says so on the box dick weed. Even thought they are drug companies are bastards.

Reality is that the right thing to do is get rich and eventually get a transplant. Propecia is sadly only buying time.


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Is it always a case of Propecia "only buying time"? Is there absolutly NO way propecia can keep what you got for the rest of your life? Does it ALWAYS wear off eventually?


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Jude said:
Is it always a case of Propecia "only buying time"? Is there absolutly NO way propecia can keep what you got for the rest of your life? Does it ALWAYS wear off eventually?

Well when it comes to this, we gt a lot of speculation. Some people will claim no, but then again it hasn't been out that long so how do they know?

Plus you must consider the other factors involved in male pattern baldness besides DHT.

Healthy Nick

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Well guys, proscar was around for like a million years, and there certainly weren't any miracle stories reported.


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Healthy Nick said:
Well guys, proscar was around for like a million years, and there certainly weren't any miracle stories reported.

Well there were enough miracles to understand that Finsateride needs to be considered for male pattern baldness right?


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I think it is always the case. But don't be mistaken, propecia does not "stops working". It will still reduce DHT. The excess DHT and other factors in male pattern baldness will eventually catchup. Or we could just super simplify it like Bryan and say age catchs up.