Propecia the second time around.. Reduced efficacy?


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I'm a 22yo diffuse thinner. I was taking a combination of Propecia and OTC Nizoral for aproximately 2 years, with great maintenance if even some regrowth (hard to tell). A little over 3 months ago, I began to phase Propecia out, concerned it was the reason for my oily skin and increased acne. Well, after 3+ months I can confidently say that it was the cause of neither; unfortunately they remain. What's really concerning me now however, is that my hair seems to be taking a quick turn for the worse. It looks substantially thinner when wet, and I'm loosing @10 hairs that I can see when I comb. I know a lot of you will think that's insignificant, but going from Propecia where I'd see one or two AT MOST in the comb, it's fairly notable.

My question is this: I had results from Propecia the second time around. It's been 3-4 months since I've stopped taking it, and I've no doubt lost so of the hair it "contributed" to. Is there any reason to suspect it will be any less effective this time around?




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porad said:
Is there any reason to suspect it will be any less effective this time around?
