md2002 said:
Well, I am under a bit of a different situation.. About a year ago I tried (1) Propecia pill every other day instead of everyday - that seeme to cause shedding. So I went to 1 5th of Proscar everyday - that seemed to cause shedding as well. So I went back to (1) propecia everyday to try to STOP the shedding. To make a long story short I have been shedding for over a year now.
This shedding comes after successfully being on Propecia for about 7-8 years now, where shedding COMPLETELY stopped!! So I would hate to try something else and have even MORE shedding. This all could be that Propecia has lost it's effectiveness. Basically I haven't shed in 7 years, essentially stopped my hair loss and was growing hair, now all of a sudden I have been shedding like a dog for a year. I have obvious hair loss as if I never went on Propecia to begin with??? Very strange!!
I've never had a shed from anything, propecia or minoxidil. I've been on minoxidil for about 12 years now, and on propecia for about 4. I'm about to switch over to generic too because A year's supply of generic is far less than a 3 month supply of propecia..
I've honestly never even noticed a hairi ever fall off my head except when I straightened my hair back in 1995. It was falling out left and right. I think my hair transplant caused shock fallout, but I haven't noticed any hairs falling out since. Either I'm in serious denial or something is preventing stuff from falling out. But even when I first noticed I had a receeding hairline, I still never saw hairs falling out. Not when I showered, not on my pillow. Th eonly time was when I straightened my hair and touching my hair would cause 10 hairs to fall out..
I just hope my fincar is the real deal.