I don't understand why you people can't grasp that finasteride slows the rate of hairloss but doesn't reverse hairloss. The last poster here said "we're all screwed." Damn right!! It should be quite obvious that we are all screwed in the long run. Many here are optimists, or are pretending to be optimists. Balding people tend to look more ugly than their non-balding counterpart. True? Only your level of self-awareness will allow or keep you from understanding this. Some people care a lot about this, some people care little. The ones that care much take the self confidence hit and it's very hard to recover because balding continues in perpiteuity (sp) and there no way out unless transplant which is a no-no according to michael berry. Depending on the aggressiveness of your balding you will go bald, but to what degree know one knows. Your only consolation is finasteride to slow the process down, greatly. So please use finasteride, and quit complaining about the sides. The cost of the sides (if you have them, which should be minor and then ware off (sp) ) is better than looking like $#iT when you look in the mirror. Because that never goes away.