Propecia = Woman


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I'm just gonna share this with you - not my opinion or anything. Went to the Doctor's and got the usual sh!Telogen Effluvium, 'Go away and get over it.' (Previously just gave me anti-deps and I went mental so stopped using them). So I asked him, 'what about this Propecia? Loads of people seem to use it'

He was puzzled and looked in a book...

'Oh..ha...finasteride. This blocks Testosterone, but it also has many side affects..' he listed all the sexual ones and also stunted beard growth, and then my makes your voice higher!

'Basically it feminises you'.

I'd love to know if anyone's voice has changed into that of a girls, or maybe you started doing all the housework and got moody every month.


Senior Member
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That is complete BS. "it feminises you" WTF? Get a second opinion, Propecia has been declared safe for use in male pattern baldness, it is NOT the job of your "Dr" to dismiss everything the FDA trials revealed because he believes it "feminises" you. This level of ignorance by Drs really worries me.


Senior Member
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My voice is deep, my gun is hard, my loads are huge.
Now, if you didnt find this information unnecessary, then you might be on propecia already and not know it.

In all seriousness, the main "suspect" for feminization, as has been discussed many times in this board, is not propecia but Nizoral shampoo. (It is pink).


Experienced Member
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I have gone up one and a half octaves and my friends now call me 'Mary'.


Senior Member
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Get rid of your doctor.

He sucks.


Established Member
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The sad fact is most doctors suck. Most have one area they specialise in and know bugger all about anything else, apart from the basics. They then consult their drug book to know what to dish out to people when they want a prescription. In the old days people used to revere doctors, they still do to a certain extent, but these days your average Joe can find out more about their ailments than what their doctor knows.


Established Member
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Honestly, if your Doctor is that f*****g stooopid, you either A: have some sh*t *** insurance or your Doctor didn't graduate and his dad owns the office. Dude, Run and dont look back!


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finesteride is a feminizing drug, but the effects your doctor mentioned are ridiculous.

it is impossible to raise a male voice once it has dropped
you may develop slight gyno
beard growth is very rarely effected by even the most strong anti-androgen drugs