

New Member
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I am 17 and have been taking propecia for a month. i think i am getting shedding as quite a few hairs fall out if i run my hands through my hair eg if im reading they will be on the page. hopefully i will get some regrowth in the next few months back to a thick head of hair instead of really fine short hairs that will not grow to any length. you will all know what its like to be thinning/ loosing hair and it is depressing as f*** at my age.
are there many other people on here in my situation at myage?
reply if u are it will be nice to hear how other people cope with this.

i was wondering, do any of you know if certain things we eat contain DHT?
I have started to take creatine and training at a gym but i am concearned that the creatine supplement might contain DHT and will counteract the effect of the procepia.
does anyone on here whos taking propecia work out, and does it hinder muscle building?

if anyone knows anything let me know please.



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DHT is converted testosterone so don't eat any testicles and you should be ok. Seriously the only source that matters is your own nuts so don't stress. They will not give you DHT for free in your creatine since getting testosterone is expensive