Proscar..1.75 sides?


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So.. ive been on proscar. i cut the pills into 4.

I havent noticed any bit of hair regrowth... i still shed.. but it hasnt gotten much worse..

but im noticing now... watery semen.... and sometimes difficulty maintaining erection... its not always but i donno how to determine if its in my head or if its the drug or if its alcohol or if its a combination... what I can say is I used to be rock hard even completely hammered and im not nervous or anything.. im very confident.. or at least i was .. now im worried anytime I have sex.. even with someone thats a regular for me that i may have difficulty.. which is even making it worse..

i donno what to do.... my hair is quite thing. tho its hard to tell at the moment... when i have no products in it... the crown is quite thin....

i dont wanna lose my hair. ugh.. but id rather the hair go then the sex... ive heard these sides can be irreversible...... any insight on this issue?

im kinda worried now and worrying is making things worse.. obviously


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You might try cutting your dose in half. I noticed some mild sides (testicular ache) when I was on 1mg, so I cut to .5mg and everything went away.

The problem with the "placebo effect" is the fact that if you think something will happen to you, it probably will. The worrying will only lead to the potential for it to happen again.


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I recommend that you quit treatment immediately. It's only going to get worse. I'm stuck with apparently irreversible side effects, and this is how it begins. All your symptoms should subside within 2 weeks.


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Did you only start getting these problems after reading about them on the forums? I find it hard to believe you would start having these problems suddenly after almost 2 years on finasteride. The placebo effect is very real, and users displaying psychosomatic symptoms are very common on this forum. I personally believe these symptoms are manifested by the mind much more commonly than by Finasteride.

That being said, it is definitely possible that finasteride may be causing problems; just not probable, especially afer having been on it for so long with no problems.

I recommend staying away from the forums for an amount of time; maybe a month. If your symptoms abade, it was likely mental. If you continue to experience problems, you might want to consider coming off finasteride.

Simply the fact that you said: "now im worried anytime I have sex" makes me strongly suspect your problem is mental. When you have sex, if you worry about your performance in any way, you will NOT perform! Nothing makes your dick die faster than worry during sex.. Trust me, i've been there :(

Good luck!


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Wuffer said:
Did you only start getting these problems after reading about them on the forums? I find it hard to believe you would start having these problems suddenly after almost 2 years on finasteride. The placebo effect is very real, and users displaying psychosomatic symptoms are very common on this forum. I personally believe these symptoms are manifested by the mind much more commonly than by Finasteride.

That being said, it is definitely possible that finasteride may be causing problems; just not probable, especially afer having been on it for so long with no problems.

I recommend staying away from the forums for an amount of time; maybe a month. If your symptoms abade, it was likely mental. If you continue to experience problems, you might want to consider coming off finasteride.

Simply the fact that you said: "now im worried anytime I have sex" makes me strongly suspect your problem is mental. When you have sex, if you worry about your performance in any way, you will NOT perform! Nothing makes your dick die faster than worry during sex.. Trust me, i've been there :(

Good luck!

Thanks for the post.

I only came on the forums today to actually post that. I havent even looked in this direction since my last post which was on my story in the story section... theres pics..(of my hair.. not my limpness) haha. .. but uh.. i guesss I could say its always been there off and on.. but i dont think it was the finasteride before.. it was more just cuz i was having sex a lot with a lotta different girls.. and i was actually drained.. but i had a steady gf for awhile as i do that from time to time when i want to chill out.. and after about 8 months with her... i would be totally amped to go but IT would only get up about 80%... and luckily im quite big.. so that was more than enough for her to get off a few times.. and no complaints.. but.. i actualyl get tired cuz i have to work extra hard to keep it up and i never used to..
but then sometimes i am just perfect... so.. and i agree mental portion is a huge factor..

theres so many factors its hard to say if the finasteride is doing it.. but i havent been reading on the boards at all til today.... i noticed it gradually... it could also be that im bored with randoms. cuz i had a new steady gf two montsh after that last long term one and never had a prob with her at all . and we broke up two months ago.. and i was freestyling again and now its becoming an issue.... the first night i started getting concerned was with a new girl..last week but i was heavily drinking and i had the 80% problem, she still was happy and both agreed the booze was in effect... then the next time was with a regular girl i see..just two days ago and it was fully there until like 20 mins in.. then went to the 80% ish thing.. ugh

also I used to be able to go again full on after like a 5 min rest.. now more often then not i cant... sometimes no matter how hard she tries .. she cant get it to come up...

so could be dehydration... i dont drink enough water and a lotta booze i suppose
im in great shape tho and i exercise daily... i dont sleep a lot tho...
so like i said. its very difficult to tell what it is... but i do know i used to be a lot more "interested" .. im almost 26... so i really not sure what to think at the moment...

most mornings i wake up and its 80%ish...... id say 1 of every 4 times.. i have that 80% problem... really not sure what to do.. am gonna try that RU stuff... and maybe drop the finasteride... i dont like taking pills personally..

*sigh*... hard to tell.


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It's hard to say man, you know your body better than anyone!

Just keep in mind that all guys experience funk's like that, regardless if they are on finasteride or not. It's always the first things guys will blame, since they are on a med that is known to cause those problems.

You might want to try coming off for a month or so to see if things get better.. Booze is definitely bad for sex, and same with being dehydrated!

Mens Rea

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Wuffer said:
That being said, it is definitely possible that finasteride may be causing problems; just not probable, especially afer having been on it for so long with no problems.

Good luck!

Wuffer, this is a dangerous bit of "information" you are throwing out there. I think being dismissive is more dangerous than being overly cautious. Certainly, for me, alarm bells ring when i hear about things like watery semen.

And just because its two years this means nothing. Ask monty. Hell, half of PH were on finasteride many years (myself i was on it one year with only slow decline in libido!!) so for you to make this comment is a little unfounded.

TS, maybe go off finasteride for 2 or 3 weeks and see how you feel.


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That wasn't misinformation. I've seen several studies that show side effects from finasteride are virtually non-existent after the first year, and the incidence of these always decrease over time, not increase. Its unlikely finasteride is causing his problems, especially after the description of his lifestyle and the fact that he himself thinks they might be in his mind.

Independently reported personal experiences should not hold more ground than these studies, so I don't believe my comments were unfounded.

There is nothing wrong with being cautious (that's why I suggested coming off finasteride for a month) but anyone experiencing side effects on finasteride is much more likely to be experiencing psychosomatic symptoms rather than actual side effects caused by the drug. The choice of whether or not to take that fact into account is ultimately up to the individual.

Mens Rea

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Wuffer said:
That wasn't misinformation. I've seen several studies that show side effects from finasteride are virtually non-existent after the first year, and the incidence of these always decrease over time, not increase. Its unlikely finasteride is causing his problems, especially after the description of his lifestyle and the fact that he himself thinks they might be in his mind.

Let's iron this out once and for all.

I don't care about your precious studies and I DEFINATELY dont care for how you interpret them.

Considering the trials only had a limited number of years, that alone should be reason enough for you to refrain from such stupid comments.

Independently reported personal experiences should not hold more ground than these studies

As above. FAR more people outside of these studies have experimented with the drug for longer durations. That's why were are getting these problems.

Stop disregarding this sh*t for your own personal peace of mind, OK?

anyone experiencing side effects on finasteride is much more likely to be experiencing psychosomatic symptoms rather than actual side effects caused by the drug. l.

Mate, seriously. Get out of this section. You are becoming a nuisance making such stupid comments.

I'm not talking about this guy, but a strong proportion of the guys on here or on PH are reporting physical, tangible side effects - reduced testicle size, GYNO, watery semen etc. You continue to ignore this glaringly obvious trend.

TS, do as you wish but believe me, jokers like Wuffer won't be able to help you when things go pear-shaped. In fact they'll be the guys dismissing your case even when its become 100% obvious for you that it was the finasteride. Of course, I hope this isn't actually going to happen in your case.

Some wise guy on here told me to avoid propeciahelp as its full of 'nutjobs'. So I did. I ignored everything too and blamed other things (such as not being in a relationship) until it got unmistakable. Be honest with yourself and see how your body feels without the drug.

Frankly speaking, I'd rather give out advice like mine than Wuffer's who is continuosly playing things down because he can't actually relate to it himself. Sexual health is a serious thing, don't mess with it. I can relate to a gradual decline (hindsight) myself as can many on here and PH - this is why I think it's imperative that you make the right choices and be under the correct influence. I mean, how useless is a stupid study to you if your balls shrink into nothing in the next 6 months? Not much.


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Mens Rea, as you've probably seen, I’m more than done with these types arguments with you. I'm sorry you feel that my opinion is worthless. I feel I have just as much right to present people with my viewpoint as I see it as you do yours.

I never came out and discredited Enden's viewpoints, I simply expressed my opinion. You are the one that is attacking my post, calling me a joker and encouraging the OP to ignore my posts. If you choose to attack me like that, then so be it.

It's apparent I am becoming a nuisance to you and a number of others, but on the other hand, i've been personally thanked by several members by setting them straight about their irrational fears. I never encourage people to completely dismiss their fears, but simply help them realize that the mind plays a significant role in the manifestation of these types of symptoms. With this knowledge, they can more accurately assess the situation and make a more informed decision.

I also find it fascinating that because I haven't experienced what you are going through, that I don't know what it’s like. I have told my story before, but I went through the grips of mental problems for almost 7 straight years. In the most intense stages of this, I experienced hell like most people could never imagine. My sexual problems were the absolute least of my worries, but I went months without masturbating; my libido was non-existent, and it was very difficult to obtain an erection. However, this was nothing compared to the other symptoms: Such as anxiety to the point of vomiting on a daily basis, extreme dizziness to the point of blacking out when walking, constant stomach problems, constant and intense anxiety, heart palpitations, constant brain fog (I’m talking for over a year), extreme fatigue. I could go on here, but I think you get the point.

I found my own way out of this mess over the course of a year. I told my therapist this: Either I get better or suicide is my only other option. Again; I know firsthand how bad things can get. It's really not so farfetched for me to see how easily others can (and do) fall victim to their minds from time to time, is it? Or is it so unreasonable for me to believe people who exhibit almost all of the same symptoms may be going through the same thing I was?

You’ve convinced yourself your problems are caused by Finasteride. Regardless of the cause, if you set out to convince yourself without a doubt and at a fundamental level that your symptoms are all in your mind, I can guarantee that you will experience such a significant improvement in your situation that you won’t believe it. If you or anyone else would like some advice on how to do something like this, I am more than happy to lend a hand. This was the foundation of my personal recovery, and I literally owe my life to it.

I will continue to post my opinions in this section, and will continue to respect your opinion unless I believe it is way off base.


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Chester716 said:
also I used to be able to go again full on after like a 5 min rest.. now more often then not i cant... sometimes no matter how hard she tries .. she cant get it to come up...

if u want an objective confirmation about possible fina damages on ur body, get a spermiogram and blood test

Mens Rea

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Wuffer said:
You’ve convinced yourself your problems are caused by Finasteride. Regardless of the cause, if you set out to convince yourself without a doubt and at a fundamental level that your symptoms are all in your mind, I can guarantee that you will experience such a significant improvement in your situation that you won’t believe it. If you or anyone else would like some advice on how to do something like this, I am more than happy to lend a hand. This was the foundation of my personal recovery, and I literally owe my life to it. .

I'm sorry but this sums up where you're wrong. I'm sorry man, unlike you i've never had and probably never will have mental problems causing sexual issue. You really need to accept the fact that just because you had mental issues that many other people don't.


On a bad day: my penis HURTS, it shrivels up, libido very low and ejaculate very watery. I get shooting prostrate pains. My body knows there is something "wrong".

On a good day: a little bit of libido, 80% erection and physically feeling better.

FIGHTING against your body is not fun. This is nothing to do with mood. The only thing i would say is i need to remain upbeat enough to slowly physically recover by doing the right things (lifestyle, diet, drugs etc) which I am doing.

Again, i've lost the "surge" of sexual desire you get. That real feeling of sex drive. 100% physical, i assure you. I think you seriously underestimate the physical area of sexual function and the importance of sex hormones, adrenals, the liver and the brain in all of this.

I see you asked TS did he acquire these sides AFTER reading about them. No doubt you would have jumped all over it if he said yes. But the answer was no.

Of course mental issues can contribute etc - you know this - but for someone like me - this just isn't the case. I have 100% confidence in my normal sexual functioning (it never let me down), all is need is my body to recover and i'll never have a problem with "anxiety" or whatever.. You pushing your theories can make guys like TS rationalise their real problems into mental problems, while getting worse and worse physically. I'm sorry but that's less helpful.

One thing is easing a persons mind, the other is misleading them and telling them it's probably in their mind. You being a clever guy should be able to appreciate the difference.

slurms mackenzie

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Mens Rea said:
One thing is easing a persons mind, the other is misleading them and telling them it's probably in their mind. You being a clever guy should be able to appreciate the difference.

I keep seeing this mentioned.

I don't know if this will help.

If somebody is not getting morning wood, that is definitely not in the mind that is most likely physiological problem or at the very least not caused by anxiety over performance.


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well I've read all the posts here and the debate.

I think you both make valid arguments.

I do however side more with the "cautionary" advice rather than the other.

I'd rather stay off it and be like "ah damn..." then stay on it and be like "oh.. no.."

Medication is tough decide because it has very real effects and sometimes they are so subtle.

I personally DONT like taking medication for that reason alone. The last time I was here and read or posted was Aug last year... as stated in my story post.

The sides I feel I may be experiencing werent related to reading here...
Also I didnt remember but apparently last year in my post I said "I have a slight lack of interest in sex now",

hmm...... i guess at that point I was thinking it maybe was in my head?

Anyway.. I'm going to stop updating in this thread as I'm starting RU and minoxidil and dropping finasteride for at least a month if not forever..... after a month if RU is helping... i may stay off finasteride.. but if its not helping enough or i notice dramatic changes.. i might do finasteride ev other day or much smaller doses... or both.. i'll see how goes.. but I will update my progress on my story thread located here

feel free to continue the debate in this one if you like lol.

thanks again for all the comments.