First started using finestaride lmg last year to stop my hair loss and found no side effects after 1 month. However due to its cost i switched to 5mg proscar tablets which i would qaurter thus effectively upping my dosage to 1.25mg. Whilst using this in conjunction with minoxidil i noticed my hairloss problem was improving after a few months. However i also started to experience really bad depression. I would tell myself that this was just down to other factors happening in my life. I had a feeling that this was down to the proscar but would try to blame it on something else as i desperatly wanted to keep this treatment that could save me from my hairloss problem. However after the depression steadily kept getting worse although i was leading a very healthy and constuctive lifestyle i finally started to face the fact that it was proscar that was having this detrimental effect upon me. After doing some research on the internet i found evidence that relates proscar/propecia to depression and immediatly stopped my treatment. After 1 month of stopping the treatment the depression gradually retreated until i felt my old self.
I was wandering if anyone out there has suffered from the same effects/problems or has anything to ad to this? hopefully this can help warn people to possible side effects.
In looking back at the treatment i wander if switching from 1mg finestaride to the 1.25mg proscar might have been the problem. maybe using 0.5mg finestaride as some people suggest might be a safer option?
I was wandering if anyone out there has suffered from the same effects/problems or has anything to ad to this? hopefully this can help warn people to possible side effects.
In looking back at the treatment i wander if switching from 1mg finestaride to the 1.25mg proscar might have been the problem. maybe using 0.5mg finestaride as some people suggest might be a safer option?