Proscar and DHT - is this correct

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Hi all

Just been looking at Dr Lee's website and have pulled out this extract re: DHT

"Although Finasteride may lower the serum level of DHT by 60-80%., the DHT reduction at the actual follicle is far less than 60%-80% because the predominant enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT in the scalp is type 1, 5-alpha reductase, which is not affected by finasteride.
On the other hand, the 5% concentration of azelaic acid in Xandrox will inhibit virtually all synthesis of DHT in the scalp where applied. It does this by inhibiting the synthesis of testosterone into DHT of both type 1 and type 2, 5-alpha reductase enzymes. The extra reduction of DHT via azelaic acid helps many patients grow hair who would not otherwise be able to do so. "

If type I is the main cause, would dutasteride be a better option?


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I don't know what your regime is at the moment, but i would try finastride first. The amount it inhibits is impossible to know really, how can u check the levels in the scalp only??

Remember that a total DHT blockage is not needed for 80% of people to see results so I wouldn't worry too much.

Save the Xandrox for a rainy day... also remember that while Dr Lee is a doctor and he is respected, he is also a business man, and relies on customers.

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Thanks for that.

Out of interest - I was on the site looking at the minoxidil etx. I see you are using it - have you had any success?


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I've updated my post abit to make a bit more sense.

Regarding the minoxidil, I got onto the 5% (twice daily) for about 3 months and noticed that within the first two months it pretty much stopped my hair falling out.

I could pull hard at hairs on my crown (where i was thinning rapidly) and they felt strong like normal hairs.

I went from losing about 100 hairs a day to maybe about 20.

I was growing hair as well, and although it was mainly on my hairline (not temples) and my crown. With my laziness, I decided to slowly start to drop the morning application, and about 3 months down the track it seems to be the same. I don't think I'm regrowing as much as I did before, but its defintaly worked at thickening what I have, and makes me not so paranoid about losing hairs all the time.

I also am happy to drop to 1x a day so that in the future if its not as efective, I can go back upto 2x a day application and still maintain.


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Thanks again for that HH.

I do take most things with a pinch of salt - so much info out there.

Think it's time to introduce the minoxidil to my regime - will start in January i think - don't want any huge sheds before or during the festive period!



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Mate, as I said before I don't know your situation,

but my reccomendation to anyone who is thinning is to try Finastride first.
Its a hell of a lot easier to apply than minoxidil and the side effects (if happen) fade after a few months and then if that doesn't work - try minoxidil.

If you have balding patches - minoxidil may be necessary to regrow then.

Again don't expect miracles - just take it a day at a time.



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Read your regime. So you are on finasteride..

Give it a good 6 months before expecting results.

I also noticed NO sheds on minoxidil at all.. but I think the people that do probably have an adverse effect to the PPG or Alcohol..


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hellohello said:
but I think the people that do probably have an adverse effect to the PPG or Alcohol.

Not true.

Irritation/bad skin health, may lead to hairloss many months after.
The shed from minoxidil is usually during the 3rd-4th week as telogen follicles are shocked into a new cycle.