Proscar and Mega-Men


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I am currently taking the GNC Mega-Men Multivitamin which has actually improved my hair's thickness a little bit. Anyway, I will be starting Proscar in a few weeks. Has anyone combined these 2 before? Should I expect any different side effect or result by combining these 2 or will the Multivitamin play no role in Proscar's effect? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks everyone!


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EasyEd said:
I am currently taking the GNC Mega-Men Multivitamin which has actually improved my hair's thickness a little bit. Anyway, I will be starting Proscar in a few weeks. Has anyone combined these 2 before? Should I expect any different side effect or result by combining these 2 or will the Multivitamin play no role in Proscar's effect? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks everyone!

GNC mega-man contains saw palmetto which can be good or bad..?!?1

i've heard two theorys

1. saw palmetto is bad, it causes shedding

2. saw palmetto is good, it doesnt allow testosterone to turn into DHT

i think most people use a multivitimin in their regimine so i dobut theer is anything wrong with it.


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The general consensus here on the boards is that saw palmetto is more trouble than its worth.


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Thanks for the replies...would you suggest coming off the Multivitamin then? It seems like it's been workign fine. I wasn't taking them for my hair, but just in general and I've been feeling better and my hair has looked better the past few days. If I'm going to be taking Proscar soon, should I just come off the Multivitamin???


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4 would say to come off it. I might not agree with him, but he has made me wonder how safe they are. There is certainly WAY more vitamins and supplements in that one pill than is obviously recomended for daily intake. I dont know...