proscar and sex drive


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iv been taking proscar for about 6 months its slowed my hair receeding as much as i expected it and i am happy that it has slowed it down although u can't guarantee that its proscar doing it and not genitics.... big problem is my sex drive is rock bottom im not up for it and my mrs aint happy..any opinion how to keep my hair and my mrs i dont wanna choose one of them i like both!!???


Senior Member
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I am sure that you are splitting your proscar in fifths and not quartering it.



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well i was on propecia for 3 months, about a year ago and it killed my sex drive,so i came off it. i recently tried it again for a month and the excact same thing happened, where it got serious and my bird ask me if was cheating on her,at this point i stopped it again, and decided to go all out on topicals,

i tried many things to counter it, tribulus, v****, but nothing really worked, when you stop it jesus you dont realise completely what youve missed,i stopped it 3 days ago and WOW i can notice the difference already,
im afraid you might be in that 'supposedly' small percent, that has libido problems that wont resolve, until you drop it, but you could try going with a lower dose, and adding tribulus, tongkat ali ect, it didnt work for me but may very well work for you.