proscar discontinued and contue again


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Dear all,

I had used proscar for about a year plus rogaine..i stopped proscar in jan 05 but continued using Rogaine. The reason why i stoped proscar is because i took a sperm test and found out that the sperm effectivity is way down 5% instead of the normal 20%. The reason for that the doctors said might not be proscar. So i took an ultra sound test on my testicals and found that the left oune is abnormal somehow and I required a surgery . Otherwise I will not be able to have any children.
Anyways I got worried on that so I stopped taking proscar knowing that might not be the reason for why my sperm strength is too low. Howveer, It has been almost 10 months and Iam only using rogaine. Offcourse I lost some hair but it was thicker when I used to take proscar together with rogaine.
I went to the doctor last nite and asked him to take proscar again cause i feel my hair got thinner. He asked me to take the sperm test again to check if that was the reason for the bad sprem test result. I took it and found that the sperm strength went up from 5% to 15%. It still didnt reach the 20%. The doctor allowed me to take proscar again for another 6 months and I will take the sperm test again to check.
I have two questions:-
1. Do you think proscar is the reason for the sperm strength to be low?
2. How long will it take for my me to get the lost hair back (since I stopped taking the pills 10 months ago?


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Triton, love the graph.


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Triton..From the graph i can see that you will grow some hair but still if you continue it for 5 years you will loose a bit of it after that? If so then whats the point of keep using it? you will go bald in 15 years lets say.


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I think that using proscar with the goal of regrowing hair in mind is just a mistake. The reason why people should use finasteride should be that of SLOWING the process which promotes male pattern baldness (AR binding).
A 5AR blocker doesn't prevent 100% of your DHT from binding follicle ARs, so why would anyone expect them to regrow hair and then maintain that hair throughout one's lifespan? It wouldn't make any sense. With finasteride, let's say that you block 70% of follicle DHT and hence you slow your hairloss 3-4x, which means that your follicle AR binding is going to be 3-4 times less than it was before you took anything. As a result, the follicle feels relieved and sometimes some hair grows back; but that's just an ADDED benefit. Your main goal is that of reducing AR binding and thus reducing the speed at which male pattern baldness progresses.
I just don't understand why people assume that when the hair "rebound" you initially get with finasteride comes back down to baseline is because finasteride has lost its effectivenes. That makes no f*****g sense. You just have to compare the SPEED at which male pattern baldness progresses between placebo and finasteride groups.
Let's suppose that, by year eight, finasteride group's hair has gone below baseline; so what??? That doesn't mean finasteride is no longer effective, just compare the level of amount of hair you'd have with the amount of hair you'd have if you hadn't taken anything. That's what matters. As long as finasteride is slowing down your male pattern baldness it's being EFFECTIVE.


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mhbaizai007 said:
Triton..From the graph i can see that you will grow some hair but still if you continue it for 5 years you will loose a bit of it after that? If so then whats the point of keep using it? you will go bald in 15 years lets say.

After the 5 years you Propecia MAY start to lose its efficiency, but know one knows because it has never been studied. Even if it did then maybe you could try Dutasteride or hopefully in 5 years time HM will be here.


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trentender said:
mhbaizai007 said:
After the 5 years you Propecia MAY start to lose its efficiency, but know one knows because it has never been studied. Even if it did then maybe you could try Dutasteride or hopefully in 5 years time HM will be here.

It doesn't lose effectiveness. It's just that you are still losing hair, which is completely logical, for you are not supressing 100% of your DHT. Losing effectiveness would be the case if your male pattern baldness progressed at 1/2 of normal speed instead of at, let's say, 1/4.


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1) Saying it doesnt lose efficiency is BS. Nobody knows what happens after 5 years of finasteride use -it hasnt been studied.
2) It is not "completley logical" that you are still losing hair because you are not supressing 100% of your DHT! Nobody who takes Propecia will supress 100% of their DHT but most stop losing hair. So wheres your "logic"?
3) "Losing effectiveness would be the case if your male pattern baldness progressed at 1/2 of normal speed instead of at, let's say, 1/4." - Everbodys opinion of "effectiveness" and "effieceny" are different!


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trentender said:
2) It is not "completley logical" that you are still losing hair because you are not supressing 100% of your DHT! Nobody who takes Propecia will supress 100% of their DHT but most stop losing hair. So wheres your "logic"?

There's an initial 'rebound' because the hair folicle feels 'relieved' after passing from X levels of DHT to X/4 (moreless).


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triton2 said:
trentender said:
2) It is not "completley logical" that you are still losing hair because you are not supressing 100% of your DHT! Nobody who takes Propecia will supress 100% of their DHT but most stop losing hair. So wheres your "logic"?

There's an initial 'rebound' because the hair folicle feels 'relieved' after passing from X levels of DHT to X/4 (moreless).

I enjoy your posts and trentender's too.

Regarding the statement in bold, where are you basing this? Why is regrowth just a temporary "breath of air" a follicle experiences and not the expression of a stable permanent in environment?


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triton2 said:
trentender said:
2) It is not "completley logical" that you are still losing hair because you are not supressing 100% of your DHT! Nobody who takes Propecia will supress 100% of their DHT but most stop losing hair. So wheres your "logic"?

There's an initial 'rebound' because the hair folicle feels 'relieved' after passing from X levels of DHT to X/4 (moreless).

There is NO initial rebound to anything. And a follicle that "feels" "relieved"? Bless them!