Proscar Dosage?


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For people that have experiemented with higher dosages of proscar I have a question.

Since it is very difficult for me to get even pieces when I try and split the proscar into 5th's for 1mg I was wondering if I could split it in 4ths at 1.25mg and still take it every day?

I have not had any adverse effects on Proscar with the exception of watery seamen and believe I could tolerate the 1.25mg a day well. Has anyone tried higher doses and what was the result? I know Bombscience or Axion was dabbling in this a while back?

When trying to split in 5th's I am getting pieces ranging from .5mg to 2mg I am sure it all evens out in the end but I would rather have a better more consistent dosage. 4th's is very easy to split-

Fallout Boy

Experienced Member
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im pretty sure alot of people just split the proscar 5 mg into 4 equal pieces (1.25 mg) because it is too hard to cut it into 5 equal 1 mg pieces so if you do that you should be fine.. im thinking about getting proscar intstead of Propecia. and thats what im going to do .. take 1.25

Getting there

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I've always been on a quarter (1.25 for 10 months). No side effects. In fact my doctor told me that he could also presribe 2.5 (half) for those wanting faster results. I don't know about side effects for that though. The doctor is employed by Ashley and Martin to write prescriptions.