Proscar dosage


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Hi all, not sure if you have others on this forum like me. I'm a pre op transexual from the UK. My doctor has just prescribed me Finastride (Proscar 5mg) to prevent hair loss.
He emphasised, was that I was NOT to split the tablets and I was to take all 5mg per day. I've been on 1mg-1.25mg daily for several months, as most recommend. What, if any, significant side effects, positive or negative should I be prepared for on such a higher dose?


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Hi Toni, welcome to the board, I'm not sure why you'd have been told not to split them.. did he not explain why he thought you should suddenly quadruple your dosage?


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Hi UK78,

I had been buying my own via the net, for some time. The 'experts' looking after me wrote to him advising he prescribe. I don't think he bothered to research the drug options, as he disbelieves they will have any effect.
At present, as finastride has a maximum half life of 18 hrs, I'm pill splitting anyway, and taking a quater in the morning and another 12 hrs later, so as to keep it in my system.
It makes much more sense to pay £6.65 prescribed, than to pay £40+ off the net.


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Yes I think you're doing the right thing personally, I will definately be tempted to get my next Proscar on prescription, did it cost you £7 for a box?


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£ 6.65 prescription charge. He only prescribed one box, to last a month (for me they'll last 2 months).
When I see him next, he hinted that he may predcribe Dutraside. However, as far I know, it has not yet been granted an NHS license for hair loss prevention.


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That's a really good price, I must do that, I paid £120 for 3 boxes.. finasteride may work well for you so you might not end up needing dutasteride, how did you find it for the first couple of months on finasteride?


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I must say, I had a reasonable amount of hair on my head before I started, but wanted to keep it, make it thicker and if possible gain some growth where I have a more male forehead. It has definately grown quicker and to me, each hair feels thicker and stronger. I haven't noticed any real regrowth as yet.
I had to be boy for a while yesterday (long story). The waitress at TGI's walked up behind me and called me madam. LOL! Must have been my hair.


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Yes I've had a similar response, allround healthier look and texture but without any signs of regrowth, I'm more than happy for now. Is that your real hair on your avatar? If so.. I can see why the waitress made a mistake. :)


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Not my own hair in that pic, taken last July, but it is very similar to that now. The changeover between hair piece and own hair has been pretty seamless. Friends never know if I wearing a wig now. As I say, i would just prefer my own hair thicker at the front.
As I am on other medication too, I have the extra advantage over you men.


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Yes it's certainly going to be easier for you. :) I look forward to following your progress.


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have you been using any female hormones like estrogen and other suply`s ?
Because they have made som studys on finasterid and wimen.
And found out with their hormonal levels that a dosage on 2.5 mg would be the most effective... could be the dr thought on it that way..
Or maibe he just was a lasy ***..
Good luck though


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Sorry, could I jut ask - did your doctor prescribe you Proscar for hairloss on the NHS? I mean are the NHS picking up the tab? My doctor told me Propecia and Proscar could not be covered by an the health service which is why I'm getting them from overseas.


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Jojje said:
have you been using any female hormones like estrogen and other suply`s ?
Because they have made som studys on finasterid and wimen.
And found out with their hormonal levels that a dosage on 2.5 mg would be the most effective... could be the dr thought on it that way..

Hi Jojje,
Yes on estrofem 2mg twice daily. Also on spironolactone.
I haven't heard of studies on women, but the wouldn't apply, as technically i'm still male and have a prostrate.

tchehov said:
Sorry, could I jut ask - did your doctor prescribe you Proscar for hairloss on the NHS? I mean are the NHS picking up the tab? My doctor told me Propecia and Proscar could not be covered by an the health service which is why I'm getting them from overseas.

Yes Tchehov, NHS are prescrbing for male pattern baldness. Propecia is licensed by NHS for hairloss, but Dutraside isn't. Proscar, maybe prescribed for hairloss, but it is usually recommended the pills are split.


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I paid £6.95 for one months supply (30 tabs) of Proscar on a NHS prescription, to treat hairloss.


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Pondle said:
How on God's Earth did you manage to swing that one?

I just asked. I may have had a little help, as he had received a letter from my psychologist, advising he prescribe.



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toni said:
Hi all, not sure if you have others on this forum like me. I'm a pre op transexual

Hi Toni

We have another pro op on here somewhere. I will try to find the profile....maybe it will help you out when you read the links.


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Cassin said:
toni said:
Hi all, not sure if you have others on this forum like me. I'm a pre op transexual

Hi Toni

We have another pro op on here somewhere. I will try to find the profile....maybe it will help you out when you read the links.


thank you.


