Proscar into 6th's?


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I am deciding on what dose I should cut my Proscar into.

I am just starting Proscar and I am a little unsure what dose to start taking.

With the pill cutter I have I can cut the Proscar into 6th's just about perfect for 8.3mg doses. However my pill cutter is not so keen on cutting into 5th's for 1mg doses or 10th's for .5mg doses.

Would it be ok for me to start out on 8.3mg's every other day, and then eventually increase to 8.3mg's every day?

Or would it be better to find a different pill cutter/or method of cutting Proscar for .5 and 1mg doses?

Also, if .83 is a legit dose would it be better to take it EOD or cut it in half and start out on .415mg every day? Is it better to take a smaller dose every day or a bigger dose EOD?

Please give me some advice, as I would like to start taking my Proscar, in a correct dose, as soon as possible (6-22-07)

Thanks, -Chris


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Is .83 EOD a good dose to start out on? Should I cut them in half and take .415 EOD or ED?

Could really use some advice, I've searched the Forums and not seen these doeses mentioned before.


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Get a razor blade knife and cut the damn thing into 5ths :)

They don't have to be exact. Just close. At the end of the 5 days you'll get your full 5 mg.

I've experiemented a lot w/ finasteride dosages. 1.25 (4ths) was too much and exacerbated the sides.

Less than 1 mg - and I still got the negative sides - but my hair kept falling out. :)

Start w/ the prescibed dosage - 1 mg daily - and then after 8 - 12 months adjust up or down as you feel necessary.

just my opinion based on my experience.


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Thanks Hair-Tomorrow,

Do you think it would be a good idea to take 1mg EOD at first for a couple of weeks and then move up to 1mg every day?

Or should I just jump in at 1mg every day?


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How does this dosage sound...

I have a pill cut into 6th's .83mg's

I'm thinking of cutting them into 12th's .415mg's as to not waste the already cut pill.

If I have 12 .415mg doses whch is pretty close to .5mg's do you guys think I could start out on this dose?

Should I take .415 every day, or every other day at first?

If I take .415 every day, would it be wise to take off every 7th day, meaning that the 12 .415mg doses would last a full two weeks.

Does this seem like a good way to guage sides or am I going about it all wrong. And if it does seem plausible should I go for .415 ED or EOD?

Please offer some advice, I am on my way to Kmart to buy MSM and possibly other supliments.

Thanks, -Chris


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everybody's different - and maybe lower dosages will work for you.

they didn't for me.


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Hey Guys,

Last night, about 24 hours ago, I took my first dose of Proscar. About 0.2mg's

I woke up this morning feeling ok, but a little nervous. I went to my economics class and everything was going ok, and then about half way through the lecture I realized I was experiencing "brain fog" and could not concentrate or take notes as good as usual.

During the day I also felt testicular pain, especially on the side of the left testicle, and a soreness around my left nipple.

I discussed this with my Mom and she says she wants me to stop taking it. She insists that the sides are not worth the reward.

I have not taken it tonight and am not sure what to do. I think if I skip tonight I can see what I feel like tomorrow and possibly continue with wening mysef onto finasteride if I decise to take it tomorrow and start out with 0.2mg's every other day.

What do you guys think? Should I stick it out with finasteride even with the possible negative sides, or is it possible to find a more naturual route that works with MSM, Vit C, Biotin, Silica, Sawpalmetto, Rogaine Foam, and Nizoral?

Please advise, and if anybody would please post a pic or two for me that would surely make diagnosis much easier. I can e-mail a couple of pics to any willing host.

But please give me your advice, I am not sure what to do.



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Iceman - many guys report negative sides initially - and then they subside after awhile - many times going away completely.

The only thing about your report that scares me is that you're experiencing nipple soreness.

Where brain-fog, nut-ache, and even loss of libido will correct themselves after stopping finasteride - enlarged breasts generally do not. Once those puppies puff up - they stay that way.

I think the best thing to do is to drop the finasteride - and go to Plan B (whatever that might be).


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Hmmm, so much side effects from only 0,20mg... I just started taking propecia in quarters, so 0,25 mg for 3 days. Nothing so far, although I'm still a bit afraid of taking them because of the side effects, but what are the symptoms of getting titties, do you feel something before they are there? Cause I'd rather be bald like bruce willis then have tits like an overweight person.

No shedding btw, but I never lose more then like 20 hairs a day or so...


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Yeah, well I guess I experienced significant sides from only a single 0.2mg dose. I had nut ache, brain fog, and tenderness around my nipple area. It has now been two days since I took this dose, and I feel completely different than I did two days ago when I had taken the finasteride. Nut ache, brain fog, and nipple soreness have since subsided.

I don't know if I would have gotten used to it if I would have continued taking it. But the sides could potentially be pretty serious. I am 23 years old, single, and would like to have children as soon as is logically possible, and finasteride can really screw with a person's hormones.

I also have a thought that if I did indeed experience such efficacy to such a small dose of of Finasteride, maybe a large dose of Saw Palmetto would block as much DHT for me as a small dose of finasteride. Does this seem logical to you guys or am I barking up the unproven and waste of time tree?



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I'd stick w/ the finasteride for now and see how things go. If your negative sides are subsiding that's a good sign. Be cognizant about any future nipple tenderness or pain - as they could be signs of enlarging breasts in progress (I wish someone would have told me that back in '99 :)

I wouldn't combine oral saw w/ finasteride. Saw kinda mimics finasteride in some ways and might actually make you more prone to negative sides.

(Did I mention I wasn't a doctor :)


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Thanks for the advice,

But I am no longer taking finasteride, I only took the single 0.2 mg dose and experienced sides, and have since quit. My previous post may have been a late night ramble and not clear, but I have only taken the one dose of finasteride a coupole of days ago.

That is why I am asking about SP. I was wondering if a large dose of SP could produce the same results of a small dose of finasteride.


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I'll defer to others on the whole saw thing.

There are too many mixed reports out there for me to say anything one way or the other.

(my guess though - is that it's a better topical than oral supplement)


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There was a study published in 2006 which reported that saw palmetto is of no benefit in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. 225 men with BPH were given 160 mg of saw palmetto twice a day or a placebo. There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups in symptoms or adverse effects, in contrast to the findings of some previous smaller, shorter trials. There was also a study in the early 90s that showed that SP didn't inhibit 5AR in rats. Makes me think that SP isn't really effective at addressing problems caused by DHT.


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I'll keep looking into SP, but the studies are pretty all over the place. Some people think it works, some even say pro c e r i n works. Any thoughts on the efficacy of pro c e r i n or SP in general?


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Iceman- said:
I'll keep looking into SP, but the studies are pretty all over the place. Some people think it works, some even say pro c e r i n works. Any thoughts on the efficacy of pro c e r i n or SP in general?

See my comment above. Small scale, short trials have been modestly encouraging for BPH. The bigger, longer duration study has really put a damper on that. I'd say SP is probably useless. See