Proscar Question (Against Hair Thinning)


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As far as i learned here ,because of money problem i dropped using propecia and i bought a proscar including 5mg Finasterid and cut it into 4 pills , and everyday i take one pill, each pill is 1.25 mg . (by the way cutting into 4 equal pieces is hard to do)

Question 1 : Am i doing right?Is it dangerous to take 1.25 mg instead of 1 mg ?
Question 2 : Does Propecia has secret particals beside finasterid? or does it contain ONLY 1 mg finasterid ? If its so - then buying proscar and cutting into 4 is more cheaper. Economic.

I have Hair Thinning . What do you recommend me to do beside This medicine(Proscar)? Vitamins ? etc anything that worked?

DOES PROSCAR HAVE ANY RISK that propecia does not have?

Pirate Commander F.B.

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Question 1 : Am i doing right?Is it dangerous to take 1.25 mg instead of 1 mg ?

With 0.25mg extra per day, you have a slightly highter chance of side effects. But I wouldn't think it is a significant difference, nothing to worry about.

Question 2 : Does Propecia has secret particals beside finasterid? or does it contain ONLY 1 mg finasterid ? If its so - then buying proscar and cutting into 4 is more cheaper. Economic.

The only difference between the two is the amount of finasteride in each tablet.


Autumn Tears

Proscar = 5mg finasteride

Propecia = 1mg finasteride

Made in the same factory, by the same people, from the same ingredients (except for the colour of the coating)

So taking one quarter or one fifth of Proscar daily will be good.

Also try to use Nizoral Shampoo 2% (â„¢Bryan) 2 or 3 times a week, let it 'sit on your scalp fro 5-10 minutes each time you use it.

good luck


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tynanW said:
Autumn Tears

Proscar = 5mg finasteride

Propecia = 1mg finasteride

Made in the same factory, by the same people, from the same ingredients (except for the colour of the coating)

So taking one quarter or one fifth of Proscar daily will be good.

Also try to use Nizoral Shampoo 2% (â„¢Bryan) 2 or 3 times a week, let it 'sit on your scalp fro 5-10 minutes each time you use it.

good luck

-Ok i understand now, i do have a problem on cutting proscar into 5 equal pieces. How do you manage to cut into 5 or at least into 4 ?

-I Forgot to write something : MY hair was black before and was thick , its now light brown and thin . What should i do to darken my hair?