Proscar usage


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I'm going to start Proscar but have a question for anybody that can help. Can I take one full pill every five days? Has anybody tried this? If so, was there any harm? Any success? Let me know, I can obviously cut it into pieces but if this method has proven to be just as effective, I'd much rather just take one pill every five days. Help me out.


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Why not give your body a constant dose to handle? I am not sure about efficacy, but I really think that a constant flow of drug would help you adjust better.

5mg of finasteride will lower your dht levels more than 1mg during the first 3 days and will go a bit higher than the 1mg levels during the two last days. Why risk sides and jeopardize results?

1mg daily will keep your serum dht levels steady.


Come on now...It 's not that hard to chop a pill...


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I certainly wont be a benefit, and since your homonal balance will take MUCH longer to adjust, you could get more sides that last for longer. Just cut the pill up! If you cant be bothered by Propecia or Generic 1mg Finasteride (i.e. Finpecia)


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I figured that would be the general response...thanks guys. Also, I don't use Nizoral or anything else at all in my regimen...I use GNC Mega Men's Multivitamin pill, which isn't necessarily for hairloss but just in general and I use L'Oreal thickening shampoo...should this be sufficient while on Proscar? Should I add anything else to my regular regimen or should I be fine with these?


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Nizoral is the perfect addition to a finasteride treatment.

I think you should really include it into your weekly rotation.


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I appreciate the advice. I have another question about another Proscar theory that I've heard discussed here. The theory is placing a Proscar pill in a bottle of water and drinking one fifth of the bottle each day for five days. Does this work? Has anybody tried this method before? If so, how should I do it, how big of a bottle of water or whatever liquid? Any help on this would be much appreciated. Thanks again!


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SE-freak said:
Nizoral is the perfect addition to a finasteride treatment.

I think you should really include it into your weekly rotation.

I agree. I also suggest using a shampoo such as T/Sal before using the Nizoral to aid absorbtion.


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You should ask about GNC Mega Man vitaimns. Pretty interesting.

As for the water throry, the simplest way would be to add 5oz of water to any container, add the pill and after it dissolves do a 1oz shot every day.


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EasyEd said:
I appreciate the advice. I have another question about another Proscar theory that I've heard discussed here. The theory is placing a Proscar pill in a bottle of water and drinking one fifth of the bottle each day for five days. Does this work? Has anybody tried this method before? If so, how should I do it, how big of a bottle of water or whatever liquid? Any help on this would be much appreciated. Thanks again!

Urm I think its been done, I wouldn't say its a good idea though. Its pretty easy to cut the pill up. They split pretty easy, if you do a search you'll find lots of instructions about how to cut the pills into fifths.