ProstaCaid - Naturel treatment ?

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Hello Dudes,

I came across this product which has made a laboratory test for their complex.
Well, I know it's to cure Prostate cancer, however, everybody here knows that in 90% of the cases, when it cures prostate cancer, it also helps to stop male pattern baldness...

Anyway, I was impressed by the number of extracts inculded in this product. IMO, it really has to be tested to see if it promotes hair growth.

Here are some extracts of the study :

In summary, our data clearly demonstrate that PC modulates expression of specific genes related to prostate cancer growth and invasiveness, and special ingredients in the PC may contribute to the inhibition of prostate cancer cells through distinct signaling pathways.

Although chemotherapy and hormone therapy demonstrated initial efficacy for metastatic prostate cancer patients, after the long-term anti-androgen treatment, prostate cancer patients lose their responsiveness to treatment and prostate cancers progress to androgen-independent phenotype with highly metastatic properties (2-4). Moreover, some of these chemotherapeutic drugs have undesirable toxic side effects (43,49). Therefore, there is a significant clinical application in the identification of natural complexes demonstrating anti-proliferative and anti-metastatic properties.

Here is the complete Study :

ProstaCaid Study

The product already exists and is sold by that firm :Econugenics
(I know their website sucks and is clearly marketing oriented !)

However, preclinical trials are important, in that they identify potential areas of further research. But they’re hardly sufficient for recommending a course of treatment, especially for something as deadly as prostate cancer.
So now I would appreciate to see a trial on human to see if it actually works on male pattern baldness.
The only thing which let me skptical is the fact that Dr. Eliaz’s company paid for the research, which doesn’t necessarily mean anything unethical is going on, but combined with the marketing-like language in the study and Dr. Eliaz’s overreaching claims about the therapeutic value of a treatment that hasn’t even entered staged trials... I hope its not a scam again so let's see...
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Hello Jacob,

For me their commercial approach sounds too greenish, :), but I don't critisize the content which I'm sure is good.
My only concern, is that they claim too early the success of their formula, although it as not been proven by clinical trial on human.
That doesn't mean that I'm not interested by their product on the contrary, otherwise, I wouldn't have posted it here.
I just want to warn people to not claim victory to soon, that's all.

I will definitly give an eye on it !


Established Member
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Like many b4 u, i think ur confusing prostate cancer with benign prostatic hyperplasia.

there may be a link between the two, but they r still 2 separate things. Actually i'd be more worried about the hyperplasia, because prostate cancer is shown to exist in a high percentage of men in autopsy (that died of basically old age)

The Natural

Established Member
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It, ProstaCaid, has a lot of things, including curcumin and resveratrol :) . It'd be nice to know how much of each has been included.

The Natural

Established Member
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Uh, no...we don't. For example, how much turmeric extract is included in this Prostate Support Proprietary Blend?

There are just so many things, and not enough information as to how much has been included in each capsule.