Prostate and hair loss drug added to banned list


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Wednesday, September 22, 2004
(09-22) 10:56 PDT LONDON (AP)

A drug used for prostate problems and hair loss was added to the World Anti-Doping Agency's list of banned substances.

Finasteride, which also goes by the brand name Proscar, can work as a masking agent to conceal performance-enhancing drugs.

The change was among the decisions approved Tuesday at a meeting of WADA's executive committee in Montreal. In addition, intravenous injections will be explicitly banned except for legitimate medical purposes, and certain substances prescribed for asthma will be prohibited outside competition. Previously, they had been banned only during competition.

The new banned list will take effect Jan. 1.

"The changes we have made this year reflect our expanding scientific knowledge and our ability to better identify performance enhancing substances and methods," WADA president Dick Pound said.

Meanwhile, WADA approved a 2005 budget of $21.7 million, an increase of $1.47 million.

WADA, which is jointly funded by the Olympic movement and national governments, has received 80 percent of its budget for this year. The United States has promised to make its $1.45 million payment soon after the start of the fiscal year on Oct. 1, bringing the total contributions to more than 90 percent.

URL: ... DT0253.DTL

Molecular Help

Established Member
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Perhaps because it ups testosterone levels? I guess I could see how messing with body chemistry in this way would be a no no for athletics, though I'm pretty sure finasteride does nothing to improve performance.

This is pretty interesting though, and not good for athletes with male pattern baldness. Especially those looking for endorsements.

Mok Help


Senior Member
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Darn, that's me out of the next Olympics...



Experienced Member
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oohhhhh f*** you freaked me out there, i thought they were banning(from general use) finasteride....omg i was about to cry there


Senior Member
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So balding athletes will have to choose between hair or Olympic glory?
Although if the testosterone boosting dutasteride isn't on their list I can still make it to Beijing with a full head of hair. Now which event should I enter?


Senior Member
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Slartibartfast said:
< snip >
Now which event should I enter?
< /snip >




Senior Member
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Nasty begger he is, next time take a long a Frogstar Scout robot, class D; not too bright, but plenty of firepower!



Established Member
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read what it says again...its nothing to do with boosting test levels. its to do with masking performance enhancing drugs. there are lots of small things, natural and unnatural, that can affect test levels, that arent banned. thats not the point of the ban on finasteride.


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I hear that finasteride has been added to the banned list not because it enhances performance, instead it's banned because it can be used to mask other drugs, probably steroidal based ones.

i'd like to announce my retirement from olympic competition :)