i took propecia for about 8 months at the 1 mg and suffered from alot of sides then i lowered it to .25mg every other day for another 2-3 months and still suffered sides so i stopped completely,my sides were (low libido,difficulty maintaining erection,brain fog,total weakness and lazyness and i have this going to the gym 5 days a week,the urinating dribbling after urinating and decreased power flow of the urine) i stopped 3 1/2 weeks ago and i feel soo much better,,very hard erections,thinking clearly,lots of energy,high libido etc etc..things are slowly going back to normal,i honestly will never go back on that pill in my life.my questions is to those that had the frequent urination and dribbling urine after pissing(which i know if from the shrinking of the prostate) how long does it or did it take your prostate to go back to normal?anybody with helpful info id greatly appreciate this thanks alot please just dont read and leave,help me with info