PRP/ACell Therapy?


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Has anyone had success with PRP therapy or Acell? I searched for a thread but couldn't find one. It's fairly new I think. They use your own concentrated blood (adult stem cells) and inject it into your scalp.

I came upon this Dr. in NYC and it seems a little too good to be true:

And this review from a 25 y/o with my exact thinning pattern and results I want.

I don't want anything too drastic, just plumping up my hairline, maybe moving the sides of it back down a bit. I don't think I'm thinning in back.

Any bad stories/nonresults people have heard? Of course everything on the Dr's websites make it sound like a piece of cake hair saver. But is there any scarring, chances of shock loss?


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I read that it only works where you still have hair (they can be heavily miniaturized though)

I've been wondering if doing PRP every once in a while, like, once in a year, would actually keep your hair?


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I've looked into this guy before but I find no info on him besides the content he creates. I don't know how legit he is but if this is the real deal it's definitely something worth it. I think he should allow other clinics to use his method for a % of the profit instead of having people travel to the one place in New York that does this. Would be a win-win for all of us.


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I can't seem to find anyone who's had experience with Prasad online. For all the glowing anonymous testimonials and results on his website there's all of 2 (still anonymous) reviews I've found online for of the procedure and they're GLOWING, so much so they feel fake. :\

If he really has a 90% success rate like he claims and people come from all over the world...shouldn't there be real people online talking about how great this procedure is?


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Over at btt Carlos Wesley posted in the PRP section of sample pictures. Joe Tillman did a video with Cooley. Most Dr's don't advertise prp. I've seen Cooleys private pictures and they are impressive. If you got the cash it makes perfect sense to get this done. Don't expect miracles.


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Over at btt Carlos Wesley posted in the PRP section of sample pictures. Joe Tillman did a video with Cooley. Most Dr's don't advertise prp. I've seen Cooleys private pictures and they are impressive. If you got the cash it makes perfect sense to get this done. Don't expect miracles.

How impressive are these photos? What I don't like is that a lot of these hair transplant surgeons simply intend to use PRP as an adjunct to hair transplantation, for things like aiding in the healing of the scarred area and using it to help more grafts grow. PRP should really be explored as a stand-alone procedure. I believe only less than 5% of all hair loss sufferers even get hair transplant's because of many reasons. But since PRP does not leave any scarring, is not a permanent commitment, and is much less expensive, I believe that it would be much more appealing to many more hair loss sufferers. And I believe that if the growth factors from PRP were tinkered with, more optimal results could be achieved. I'd love to hear Desmond's opinion on this. But unfortunately I do not think these hair transplant surgeons want to develop anything to supplant their lucrative hair transplant's so they're therefore developing it as only a complementary procedure to an hair transplant. I even once e-mailed one of the pioneers of PRP, and he even said that he never intended PRP to become a better treatment than a hair transplant.


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How impressive are these photos? What I don't like is that a lot of these hair transplant surgeons simply intend to use PRP as an adjunct to hair transplantation, for things like aiding in the healing of the scarred area and using it to help more grafts grow. PRP should really be explored as a stand-alone procedure. I believe only less than 5% of all hair loss sufferers even get hair transplant's because of many reasons. But since PRP does not leave any scarring, is not a permanent commitment, and is much less expensive, I believe that it would be much more appealing to many more hair loss sufferers. And I believe that if the growth factors from PRP were tinkered with, more optimal results could be achieved. I'd love to hear Desmond's opinion on this. But unfortunately I do not think these hair transplant surgeons want to develop anything to supplant their lucrative hair transplant's so they're therefore developing it as only a complementary procedure to an hair transplant. I even once e-mailed one of the pioneers of PRP, and he even said that he never intended PRP to become a better treatment than a hair transplant.

Actually that makes sense, since PRP only improves existing follicles instead of creating new ones. If you have a scalp area that's already slick bald nothing else other than hair transplant will work

Armando Jose

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Actually that makes sense, since PRP only improves existing follicles instead of creating new ones. If you have a scalp area that's already slick bald nothing else other than hair transplant will work

Probably you are right. Hair lost a lot of yers ago IMHO is impossible to regenerate .... hair is only createdin embrionic state


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How impressive are these photos?

Enough to justify getting acell/prp treatment. Cole was the cheapest at $1800. He just completed a study. I'm not sure if the results. I don't think Cole advertises prp as a stand alone treatment. You have to ask.


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Hey All

I am a female 45 with some thinning on top of head and on parted hair areas. My back hair is normal.
I saw a Hair transplant Dr who is a dermatologist. He believes its my ferritin (12 when i saw him) He said it needs to be around 70. He said i have good donor hair for a transplant but said he would not do it because it would not be right he believes the iron will fix the majority of the problem, He also gave me a script for Keto shampoo.

i asked him about PRP+Acell he does it and said if I wanted to do it it would definitely benefit me.

My opinion is i have a mix of low ferritin and Androgenetic Alopecia. I think i have mild Androgenetic Alopecia that would have happened probably naturally in my 60s..(For a 60 year old my hair loss is fine its mild its just a bit much for 45--i get worried how it would progress so to speak).

My ferritin last test was 30,,i get tested again this week then i am going back to talk to my Dr again and i think i am going to do the PRP once i get my ferritin up to a good philosophy is IF ferritin around 70 is healthier for hair, why not do the treatment when my level is at its optimal to have even better results...I don't know if it works that way but makes sense to me.

I guess what i am sharing is i feel like my Hair Dr is very ethical and i think even though i have good donor hair and i went in expecting a transplant he did what was best for 'me' his patient which was a conservative approach.

PRP seems to be a good choice for women who can't take propecia and for young men who are first noticing hair loss because from what i understand from reading blogs its better to do a hair transplant on men when they are older since only so much donor hair. So its opening the market to aid some patients....Do i think all Dr offering PRP are ethical? no you have to do your research i think on the techniques and talk to the Drs as you would doing a transplant about how you 'feel' about the Dr if you trust him to do whats in your best interests.

As far as Acell vs no Acell what i have read so far is the added Acell seems to make the effects last longer than without. So if you get PRP without its going more often than if you get with the Acell. Thats just based on what i have read. I think the Acell effects the price.

When and if i get it done i will share info.

oh and i am on fence about minoxdyl because of hair growth on face for women--i know my Dr has a formula mix for women but we had not even discussed it yet. My hair to the naked eye is fine..IF you have hair loss or experienced with hair loss and studying everyone you see you may think i am a bit thin..its really my middle part so i just part it on side. And my hair is kind of fluffy so its not like pin straight hair--so i am kind of lucky in it's not crazy noticeable 'yet'. so i have a little time to figure this out. But definitely want to improve and figure out before menopause or perimeno starts late in my family but still keeping that in mind.

any advice or experience appreciated.


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I've looked into this guy before but I find no info on him besides the content he creates. I don't know how legit he is but if this is the real deal it's definitely something worth it. I think he should allow other clinics to use his method for a % of the profit instead of having people travel to the one place in New York that does this. Would be a win-win for all of us.
His name is Amiya Prasad. He's on YouTube.